Wellesley professor runs the Boston Marathon
Adam Van Arsdale, associate professor of anthropology, was among thousands of runners and wheelchair athletes who crossed the finish line at the Boston Marathon this past Monday, April 15. He has been fascinated with running as a human endeavor for a long time, and has even produced a podcast about the anthropology of running. However, he had never previously been a long-distance runner himself. Nevertheless, he chose to run the Boston Marathon in order to raise funds for the Museum of Science.
Special elections held for College Government vice president and organizations chair
After the College Government referendum to split the former Student Organizations and Appointments Committee into two committees passed, Wellesley College Government must determine how to restructure itself so as to accommodate these two groups. This means that, during the upcoming week, students will be running for two new Cabinet positions. College Government vice president (CGVP), who will have a different role than the former CGVPs would, and organizations chair. Campaigning began this past Tuesday, and voting will occur one week from then, on April 23. So far, there is only one on-ballot candidate running for each position.
Wellesley CUPSI team takes Houston
Wellesley’s CUPSI (College Union Poetry Slam Invitational) team recently attended the national, yearly slam poetry competition in Houston, Texas. The team, which is comprised of five students, along with their three coaches, spent several days in Texas, competing against hundreds of teams. The team made it to the semi-final competition this year, concluding a year of preparation.