Hands free driving law in effect Feb. 23
In a series of similar laws being passed around the country, Massachusetts has enacted a hands-free driving law. The law dictates that drivers are not allowed to hold or even touch their phones, unless it is for a “single swipe action” like answering a phone call. The phone must be placed on a vent in the car or mounted on the dashboard. Before this law went into effect, Massachusetts already had a “no texting while driving” law. However, there were still 223 deaths as a result of a distracted driver between 2014 and 2018. The hope is that this law, alongside more State Police on the highways to be deployed, will decrease the number of these tragic deaths and make the road more safe for drivers.
Early voting in Massachusetts starts Feb. 24
From February 24 to February 28, you can vote early in the presidential primaries if you’re a registered voter in Massachusetts. The official primary election in Massachusetts this year will be held on March 3, 2020, part of the broader “Super Tuesday” in which 15 states vote for their Democratic and Republican candidates for president. In order to vote early, you can go to wheredoivotema.com to find your early polling place. If you’re interested in voting on the actual day, Massachusetts polls will be open from 7am to 8pm. If you’re registered to vote at your Wellesley address, you can vote at the Wellesley Free Library located at 530 Washington Street.
Rep. David Nagle of Lowell indicted for bank fraud, other charges
State Representative David Nagle (D), representing Lowell and parts of Chelmsford, was arrested Feb. 18 by the Boston FBI and IRS special agents for a multitude of charges including bank fraud, tax fraud, and illegal use of campaign funds. Nagle, allegedly in debt and known for a gambling habit, used the funds to, among other things, pay golf club dues, purchase flowers for his girlfriend, and rent cars to shuttle him back and forth to casinos. He has as of Feb. 19 stepped down from his various leadership positions and committees in the State House.