Students at a senate meeting. Photo sourced from the Wellesley archives.
Moment of Silence
College Government President Tatiana Ivy Moise ’21 started Senate with a moment of silence to recognize the lives lost in the past week as a result of the shootings in Atlanta, GA and Boulder, CO. Throughout the meeting, many speakers reiterated this sentiment and expressed their support for the Wellesley community as a whole, especially for Asian American and Pacific Islander students. McAfee Senator Raine Higa ’23 shared a list of resources for combatting AAPI hate, including educational tools, support for hate crime victims and GoFundMe links for the victims and families of the Atlanta attack, which were compiled by the Wellesley Korean Students Association. Dean of Students Sheilah Shaw Horton gave a reminder about the mental health resources available on the Stone Center’s website, especially for students whose academic performance is suffering due to the loss and violence they have experienced recently. CG President Moise also made reference to the 40 Days of Gratitude and Kindness Calendar put out by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life.
Admin Addresses Wellesley Town Residents on Campus
During the Dean’s Corner, Dean Horton addressed concerns about Wellesley residents visiting campus despite COVID restrictions. According to Dean Horton, the College is aware of the issue and is reaching out to the Town of Wellesley to promote understanding and awareness of the closed-campus. Dean Horton asked that students do not approach Wellesley residents on campus, both to avoid altercations and to prevent the spread of COVID-19; she also recommended calling campus police to report any violations and give a description of the visitors as well as where they are headed, so that campus police can escort them off campus. Secretary-Treasurer Thayer Wilson ’23 asked what students can do if they are not comfortable contacting police, and Dean Horton stated that there were no alternatives as of now. House President Caroline Alt ’21 later added that members of res life will be convening to discuss alternatives with community directors and also noted the shifting language around these violations by referring to the offenders as “trespassers” rather than “townies” or “neighbors.”
SBOG Constitutional Amendments
Director of On-Campus Affairs Ashley Amoabeng ’21 and Schneider Board of Governors member Ella Apostoaie ’21 presented a list of amendments made to the SBOG constitution for Senate to vote on. The most important of these amendments included adding a goals chair, whose responsibilities will include processing internal reports of Honor Code and Code of Conduct Violations. Senate will vote on these amendments on Tuesday, Mar. 30.
College Government Election Results
After the Senate meeting, results of the College Government elections were sent out to students via email. The results are as follows:
President: Giselle Mota ’22
Vice President: Francesca Lameiro ’23
Chief Justice: Julianna Kenny-Serrano ’22
Secretary-Treasurer: Ingrid Bell ’24
Student Bursar: Maya Bradbury ’22
CPLA Chair: Michelle Lee ’23
COIL: Deeva Scott ’22
DOOCA: Imogene Johnson ’22
Organizations Chair: Sydney Stearns ’23
Additionally, the ballot measure on divestment from fossil fuels and introducing carbon-cutting measures passed.