Students at a senate meeting. Photo sourced from the Wellesley archives.
College Government President Giselle Mota shared a statement from Wellesley for Life (WFL) regarding its speaker event. College Government (CG) answered questions regarding the event, including whether the event was allowed to use College funds (it was, but the speaker was not compensated), if any lawyers have been involved (Director of Student Involvement and Leadership Jessica Grady has not heard anything about litigation) and if the Community Organizing and Inclusion Liaison (COIL) could send a list of related events that were not being planned by orgs (yes, she could).
Administrative Council
Ariane Baker, a representative of the Administrative Council and a Career Education advisor, visited Senate to gather student opinions regarding the 10-hour working limit, as well as the new hiring process on Workday. Bella Knasz-Jung ’24 commented that not all students on work-study have jobs, yet many places seem understaffed, and asked if there was a way to provide more information to students on open positions.
Jim Wice, director of Accessibility and Disability Resources, gave a short presentation about ADR, including the services it provides to students and the way the office operates. They are currently hiring an administrative assistant. Wice also shared that the Access Van runs from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for students on the rides list.
Old business
CG shared a message from Director of Faculty Housing & Transportation Peter Eastment that the LocalMotion and BOW shuttles will not be running on Nov. 25 and 26 for Thanksgiving Break. The bus schedule is still being discussed, and a student-driven shuttle is still being considered. Additionally, the credit-non deadline, which was brought up at a previous Senate, is not being extended as of right now, but CG shared that students may organize a petition to prove an interest in extending the deadline.