Students at a senate meeting. Photo sourced from the Wellesley archives.
Dean’s Corner
Dean Horton began by addressing student concerns about plans for Wintersession as well as returning to campus for the spring semester. She articulated that students can expect to receive more details next week as the administration continues to flesh out the details.
HPC Corner
Zoe Owens ’22, HPC liaison, began by addressing the campus-wide water shortage that occurred early on the morning of Oct. 25. Although water has been restored, she encouraged students to report any issues with water usage in campus facilities, and to be proactive with submitting maintenance reports in general. She also announced the upcoming Halloween events on campus: Munger Mash on Oct. 29 from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. in the Munger courtyard, as well as trick-or-treating in all residential halls.
Senate Officer Elections
After briefly giving their statements of intent, Diana Paulsen ’21, Alexandra Brooks ’23, Elizabeth Park ’24 and Arielle Belluck ’22 were elected as non-voting members to the Academic Council.
Student Bursar Presentation
Maya Bradbury, student bursar, gave an informational presentation on the Student Organization Funding Committee and Bursar’s Office. They explained the role of SOFC and the Bursar’s office, the SOFC Constitution and the Treasurer’s Handbook, as well as how funds are distributed annually. More information can be found at https://sites.google.com/wellesley.edu/sofc.
Open Discussion
Dean Horton ended her comments for the evening by congratulating the College Government and Native American Students Association (NASA) on their successful efforts to advocate for an official land acknowledgement by the College, which President Paula Johnson announced in an email to students on Oct. 25.