Voting will take place via WEngage on March 8th. For more information, check out or email any questions to or email any questions to [email protected].
College Government President
Alexandra Brooks (she/they)
Hi Wellesley! My name is Alexandra Brooks (she/they), Class of 2023, and I’m so excited to announce my candidacy for College Government President. I’ve been a part of College Government since I first came to Wellesley, from my first House Council meeting as a first year where I decided on a whim to run for Senator so I could be more involved, to my last 2 years as an Executive Senator. Outside of Senate, I’m a member of SBOG, our campus events board, which I joined to help make Wellesley more fun and engaging, and I am a member of CORC, the Community Organizing Resource Collective, which is a CG committee meant to help facilitate diversity and inclusion throughout the Wellesley community. During my time in CG I’ve been fortunate enough to do things such as work with the dedicated students in NASA to coauthor the resolution for the college to recognize Indigenous People’s Day, and with the ES/ECON 199 students to author the resolution on Fossil Fuel Divestment, both of which were successfully passed through Senate, and subsequently by the Board of Trustees.
However, my run for CGP is not about my own experiences or goals, but about listening to the needs of the student body, representing students to the administration, and responding to student demands to the best of my ability. In my time at Wellesley I have consistently been in awe of the commitment and passion of Wellesley students in improving the lives of their sibs and community, and my goal as CGP is to continue to help facilitate these efforts. In order to accomplish this here are some statements I promise to uphold as CGP:
I promise to make sure student voices are heard. Every student at this school has a voice worth listening to, whether you have never stepped foot into the Academic Council Room on Green 4th (or zoom), or have attended every Senate meeting of the year, you have a unique and important role on this campus. However I also understand that flowery words don’t mean anything without concrete action to support them. In that, I commit to holding regular virtual and in person office hours, to be available and approachable, and always listening to student demands, acknowledging that there is an immense diversity in the voices on this campus.
I promise to make College Government transparent and accessible. I understand the problems that many students have with the decisions made at this college. Often the processes by which decisions are made at this institution are complicated and frequently inaccessible to the student body. I will work with other members of the Cabinet to increase the physical presence of CG on campus through Office Hours and increased presence at non-CG events, and increasing the virtual presence of CG through social media, regular virtual communications, and regular updates about what decisions are being made, how students can get involved, and directly voice their opinions on issues impacting our community.
I promise to faithfully represent the interests of the student body to the administration. The work of College Government is not accomplished by any single individual, but by a plethora of people, groups, orgs, and communities working together. My goal is to not push my own agenda but to represent the wants and needs of the student body. There has always been an astounding level of community advocacy on campus and as CGP I want to continue to support that through advocating on your behalf to the administration, uplifting student voices, connecting you to the relevant resources, and promoting student events and orgs.
The future of Wellesley is one that should and will be shaped by all Wellesley students. I look forward to working with you all to make Wellesley a place and community that we are all proud to be a part of.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions at [email protected]. Sincerely, Alexandra Brooks.
Kylie Hall (she/her)
Hi! I’m Kylie Hall (c/o 2023), my pronouns are she/her/hers, and I’m running for College Government President. I’m a three-term CG Senator: my first year, I served as a Senator for Tower and Social Chair of Senate; my sophomore year, I served as the Executive Senator for Bates; and this year, I’m the Executive Senator for Stone-Davis. Although my first time running for Senate felt like a push outside of my comfort zone, I’ve never once regretted that decision. It amazes me how Senate can provide the opportunity for students to come together and voice the opinions of their peers, ask their questions directly of members of administration, and expect responses.
Senate has become one of the many homes I have here on campus. I’ve served on the Student Organizations Funding Committee (SOFC), the Community Organizing Resource Collective (CORC), and the Committee on Organization and Recognition Affairs (CORA). Through these experiences, I’ve gained insight about how College Government operates on many different levels. I’ve been a Senator of three different neighborhoods on campus and I’m majoring in two very different subjects—Astrophysics and Political Science—which means I’ve had the chance to meet a wide range of wonderful Wellesley students, each of whom has something (or many things) they are inspiringly passionate about. They have questions that demand answers and they’ve identified issues that demand solutions. I strongly believe that Senate can be an incredibly effective tool to address those demands, even more so than it already is.
One of the biggest frustrations I hear from other students and experience myself is a sense of uncertainty in communication to and from administrators, which stymies students’ efforts to improve aspects of life at Wellesley that they believe could be better. As College Government President, I would strengthen Senate’s role as a tool of communication between students and Administration. I would bring back Senator office hours (which ran my first year) so that students could get the chance to know their Senators as resources and feel comfortable reaching out to them when they have a question or a problem that needs addressing. I would also hold office hours of my own where anyone could drop in to chat.
Aside from leading Senate, the primary role of CGP is to act as a voice for the student body to administrators on a variety of issues. As your CGP, I would take advantage of every opportunity available to get a sense of what the student body is thinking and feeling so that I could accurately convey your thoughts. Any suggestions for how I could better represent the student body would be welcomed and taken into account! If you ever wanted to talk with me about anything, all you’d have to do is show up at my office hours, send me an email, or schedule a time to meet. I also know that as college students we’re all very busy, which is one of the reasons I’ve set up a number you can text to reach me directly. Throughout the campaign and if I am elected CGP, you can reach me at (781)-591-2210. (If you have any questions now about my campaign for CGP, feel free to text me at that number or email me at [email protected]!)
I’ve already met so many amazing Wellesley students who drive me to be a better person, and I can’t wait to meet so many more in my final year here. I hope to meet you in person someday if I haven’t already, but whether I do or don’t, as CGP I would do everything I could to make sure your voice is heard.
College Government Vice President
Alex Asack (she/her)
My name is Alex Asack (she/her), I’m a member of the class of 2024, and I’m so excited to be running for College Government Vice-President.
I arrived at Wellesley in Fall of 2020, a time when it was difficult to find and build community, a time we are still living and working through. One of the first places I felt at home on this campus was Stone-Davis House Council, where I served as a Senator during my first year. This past year I’ve served as Beebe’s Executive Senator on the Appointed Representatives Committee (ARC). The Vice-President is in charge of ARC, which handles the appointment and oversight of the administrative and academic committees, where students are appointed to represent the entire Wellesley College student body. If elected, I have three main goals to help make ARC better suited to student needs.
1. Make Applications More Accessible Student voices deserve to be represented. One of the major barriers for students considering applying for committees is simply not knowing how to answer certain questions or what their application should look like. The easiest way to empower students is by creating samples that show different ways a student can submit a strong application. As CGVP, my main goal would be to make sure all students are equipped to face the application process and feel that they have the ability to serve as a Representative.
2. Expand the Role of Student Representative As it stands, Student Representatives don’t undergo any training. Student Representatives play an extremely important role on this campus, speaking for the Wellesley Community in administrative and academic contexts where students are often overlooked. If elected, I will create and implement training for Student Representatives that will help prepare students for the responsibility associated with the role. Student Representatives must act as advocates for student voices and need to be accessible to the student body.
3. Ensure Student Voting Power on Academic Council All of the committees within Academic Council have Student Representatives. When one of those committees brings a proposal to a vote in Academic Council, the students serving on that committee have the right to vote. This power has not been enforced. We are currently in the process of enacting this voting right, and if elected, I will make sure that students have and keep this right by working with the current CGVP and administration. Student voices are too often overlooked in Academic Council; we have the power to change that.
Above all, College Government, especially the Appointed Representatives Committee, is meant to serve students. Your voice deserves to be heard. If you have any questions or just want to talk, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]. Thank you for your consideration!
Bellen Wong (she/her)
Dear Wellesley,
My name is Bellen Wong, and I am running for College Government Vice President (CGVP). I would like to serve on CG Cabinet as VP because the responsibilities of this position align with my skills and interests and my intention to connect the student body to various Wellesley administrative committees, such as Academic Council and Board of Trustees Committees. In this position, I also hope to learn more about our community from the diverse perspectives of the student body and faculty by attending senate and academic council.
The role of CGVP is to head the Appointed Representatives Committee (ARC) and act as a liaison between student representatives and College Government and at times faculty and administration. The two main responsibilities of this position are as a cabinet member and the chair of ARC. As a cabinet member, I would like to help CG fulfill their mission to facilitate an active, engaged, and inclusive community and strive to represent the student voice in communication between administration, faculty, staff, and trustees. As the chair of ARC, in addition to the connections between student representatives and CG, I would like to take more steps to facilitate the connections between student reps and the student body because this is an area that I think is lacking.
This year, I have been a senator and joined ARC as my committee. As a member of this committee, I have gained insight into how the committee runs, and I have learned what is working and what can be improved upon given the opportunity to hold this position. This year, the format of the application was changed from a wEngage form to a google form which improved the accessibility to apply. Small improvements such as that are steps towards being more inclusive. The role of this position is very effective as it stands, and I also understand that there is always room for improvement. I am open-minded, and I welcome suggestions and new ideas to take different approaches in order to be a more effective committee. I also hope to continue the plans of the current CGVP to ensure students can effectively bring their concerns to faculty and administration.
My additional experiences as a student representative, student employee, and a member of class council have given me new perspectives and skills that are applicable to the role of CGVP. As a student representative on the Academic Review Board, I have the opportunity to listen to both students’ academic concerns and faculty perspectives to promote equity and fairness that benefits each individual student. As a member of class council, I am mindful of the wants and needs of the entire class which would be an important objective to recognize for the entire student body as a cabinet member. My job as a lab teaching assistant has also taught me how to confidently and respectfully interact with faculty. With these skills, I hope to hold the role of CGVP up to the standards that have already been highly set.
Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions, please reach out to me. Sincerely, Bellen Wong ‘24 she/her [email protected]
Michelle Jung (she/her)
My name is Michelle Jung (she/her), and I am a junior majoring in Biochemistry and minoring in Korean Language and Culture. I am more than excited to be running for the position of Secretary-Treasurer for the 2022-2023 academic year!
With a 90 word per minute, 95% accuracy, and a good posture for typing, I am prepared to document all of the key important issues and announcements during Senate meetings. In addition to my experience in bullet journaling and Pinterest board organizing, I am more than ready to create digests that will make you not only anticipate but desire for the following week’s digest.
My goal as Secretary-Treasurer is (1) to make digests less intimidating and (2) further connect CG to the student body. As an avid reader of the digests, I have often found myself in the position when the digests became too intimidating to read due to the number of updates and content that the emails contained. For that reason, I would first work on finding new layouts and formats to execute digests so that they are more visually appealing as well as concise and easily “digestible”. I would also like to add some sweet surprises like a song, show, or movie recommendation at the end of the digests! My second goal as a Secretary-Treasurer is to solidify CG’s social media presence. Whether it be through updating the website on a weekly basis or creating weekly infographics containing upcoming events on-campus via Instagram, I want to focus on making CG a supportive cabinet for all organizations and the student body. Overall, as Secretary-Treasurer, I will make sure to put effort into overcoming any barrier when it comes to reaching CG.
This Fall, I had the honor to serve as SBOG’s concert committee chair and organize the Fall concert in 2021. As concert committee chair, my communication experience is highlighted through my main role as being the communication bridge between the board and outside agencies and sources. Additionally, I currently work as a co-coordinator and social media director for Operation Period’s Utah chapter where I work to create posts for recruiting new members and infographics and powerpoints that spread our message to spread awareness about menstrual freedom.
In the end, I would be more than eager to serve as your Secretary-Treasure! I want to ensure that I can act as a communication point between the student body and CG with the role of not only making sure that your voices are heard, but to amplifying your thoughts, concerns, and questions. Thank you for your time to consider me, and please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, or just to chat at [email protected].
Chief Justice
Nuzaina Faisal Khan (she/her)
My name is Nuzaina Faisal Khan ’23 (she/hers) and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Chief Justice. I have served on the Honor Council for two years now, and currently, preside as Deputy Chief Justice. During my time on Council, I have witnessed first-hand the inequities and problems that exist in the system, but also understand the faith past Chief-Justices Nimo, Hope, and Julianna have in the Honor Code’s potential to transform student life and empower all students on campus.
If elected, I pledge to reduce the punitive impact of the honor code as we transition from a retributive system to a transformative one. If elected there are four main areas I will commit to:
1. Increasing Procedural Rights and Implementing Safeguards: Currently, Campus Police, as the charging party, have an active presence in Honor Council hearings, a situation that furthers inequities on campus. If elected, I commit to removing Campus Po from hearings. Moreover, under the current system, students must return to class with the professor who charged them with a violation after an academic hearing regardless of the outcome. This situation is uncomfortable for the student and can negatively impact their future academic performance. I propose a system in which students are provided with safeguards to remove themselves from such situations without fear of consequence e.g. withdrawing from the course after the drop deadline without it appearing on their transcript, switching to a different section, or having priority registration in the subsequent semester.
2. Introducing Proactive Programming: Stress culture contributes to cases of academic dishonesty. I commit to working with department chairs to create mechanisms within course syllabi that alleviate academic pressure and improve performance. These steps could include making syllabi available before registration, granting flex days, not prohibiting electronic devices, and implementing mastery grading. I will also create a website where students can anonymously send questions regarding academic honesty and the honor code and get responses without fear of judgment.
3. Reshaping Outreach: Wellesley does not collect data on the demographics of students charged with a violation, however, data from our peer institutions and anecdata on campus unquestionably indicates that students of color, international students, first-generation students, and low-income students are overrepresented in hearings nationally. I propose that we expand the Honor Council’s orientation material to tailor information and resources so they are more individualized to vulnerable groups on campus by partnering with cultural organizations. Alongside this, I propose mandatory routine implicit bias training for professors and council members.
4. Increasing Transparency: Panel compositions can have an immense impact on the experiences of students who go through a hearing. Working with the committee for nominations, I would aim to increase transparency on the process of faculty appointments and create a system to integrate student recommendations. I will also push for the implementation of the student feedback form, created this semester to gauge student experience on hearings and give students who have previously interacted with the honor council the opportunity to retroactively fill out the form.
I hope to shift the culture of the honor code from a tool used to punish students to one that students can use to empower themselves academically and socially. If elected, I pledge to advocate for you and help create a Wellesley that is more equitable and accessible. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions at [email protected].
Student Bursar
Amy Rose (she/her)
Dear Wellesley,
I’m Amy Rose (she/her, ‘23) and I’m excited to announce my candidacy for Student Bursar!
I’ve been involved with organization funding on campus in a variety of ways during my time at Wellesley: as a treasurer, a senator on SOFC, a bookkeeper to student organizations, and currently as Head Bookkeeper. Since my first SOFC meeting, I’ve loved being a part of a group of students who care deeply about promoting equitable funding practices in order for student organizations to fulfill their missions. Getting to connect with treasurers, learn about their organization’s goals and events, and helping them navigate the funding process has been what I’ve enjoyed most about my time working in the Bursar’s Office.
I believe that the Bursar’s primary responsibility to the Wellesley community is to advocate for student organizations and allocate funding in a manner that is equitable, accessible, effective, and reflects the funding priorities of the student body.
Based on my communication with treasurers and conversations that I’ve had with fellow students about organization funding, it’s clear that the funding process on campus is extremely challenging to navigate. My primary goal as Bursar is not only to improve the engagement between SOFC and the student body, but also make SOFC policies and their reasoning accessible.
My top priorities as Student Bursar will be to:
● Continue to increase funding to large campus-wide events, such as culture shows and concerts
● Develop treasurer resources to improve financial institutional memory within organizations
● Facilitate collaborative events between student organizations by developing dedicated guides and resources through the Bursar’s Office
● Improve SOFC engagement with the student body by hosting large events, such as workshops and open forums
● Encourage more members of the college community to participate in SOFC in order to reflect the diversity of the student body in funding decisions and discussions
I’m very excited about what the next year holds for our campus community and SOFC’s role in funding student initiatives and events.
I’m eager to work towards making SOFC equitable, inclusive, and representative of the student body. Thank you for your time and consideration of my candidacy! Please reach out to me with questions, suggestions, or to say hello at [email protected] or through Instagram and Facebook!
Political Engagement Chair
Liz Huang (she/her)
Dear Wellesley,
My name is Liz Huang (she/her), Class of ‘24, and I am running to be your next Political Engagement Chair! The Committee for Political Engagement (CPE, formerly known as CPLA) has played an integral role in my life at Wellesley since I first set foot on this campus. After serving as the Stone-Davis Dorm Representative in my first year, I joined CPE’s E-Board as the inaugural Newsletter Editor. In addition to overseeing the biweekly publication of various political articles in The Update, I added new opinion and political trivia sections, and continue to improve its design with the help of my lovely Newsletter Sub-Committee members.
As Aristotle puts it, “Man is, by nature, a political animal.” In our tumultuous contemporary political landscape, I believe it is more important than ever that politics is accessible to the general Wellesley student body. Furthermore, I am committed to working with the campus community to innovate new avenues for political engagement. Here is what I envision for the future of political engagement on campus:
1. Semi-Annual Student Debates and Game Events In addition to continuing classic events like Bipartisanship and Bubble Tea, I would like to propose the addition of semi-annual student debates and Spectrum-style game events. I would like to apply my experience as a competitor in high school Speech & Debate and Ethics Bowl to make honest multi-partisan political conversations informative, low-pressure, and respectful. Led by the Discussions Chair, these new events would not require any prior knowledge from general student body members–just a willingness to engage and learn from peers!
2. More Intersectional Dialogue Last May, I co-organized a 400-attendee AAPI Month rally in Syosset, New York that was covered by Newsday, News12, and WCBS 880. As a Chinese-American, I am eager to continue uplifting the political voices of students from marginalized diasporas by collaborating with more cultural organizations. Moreover, my experience as a WAMI E-Board member has shown me the importance of facilitating more intersectional communication. As Chair, I would like to sponsor more inter-organizational collaborations for students to learn about novel political experiences.
3. More Active Dorm Representatives I would like to expand the role of dorm representatives beyond merely providing political and student event updates to House Councils, as CPE’s mission is to spread political engagement to the wider student body. In preparation for the 2022 congressional elections, I anticipate a pivotal role for dorm representatives in organizing and drumming up enthusiasm for campus-wide political activity booths on Election Night. Thank you for your consideration! Please email me at [email protected] for any questions or to chat about politics.
With love, Liz Huang ‘24
Director of On-Campus Affairs
Abby Lucier (she/her)
Hey Wellesley! My name is Abby Lucier (she/her) ‘23, and I am running to be your Director of On-Campus Affairs (DOOCA). As DOOCA, I would serve as the chair of Schneider Board of Governors (SBOG) and as a liaison between SBOG, administration and the Wellesley College student body. Since joining SBOG my first year, I have found a love for serving our community and would love to continue to do so as your DOOCA!
As mentioned above, I feel strongly about serving the Wellesley College community. For this reason, the first focus of my candidacy is fostering a strong sense of community at Wellesley. This is important on board level, as we need to feel connected and comfortable with one another in order to effectively plan and run our events. However, I also believe deeply in the importance of having a connected college-wide community. As we approach Fall 2022 and restrictions continue to be lifted (fingers crossed current trends continue!), the ability to bring together students in ways we haven’t seen in years will become viable again. As a member of the last class who experienced a bit of life on campus before COVID, a big goal of mine would be to keep alive traditions that we have not been able to carry on with these past few semesters. I believe these traditions, such as Remix, help Wellesley students feel connected, not only to each other, but to Wellesley as a whole.
In addition to my goal of building a united community, I hope to continue the trend of increased transparency and communication between SBOG and the student body. While the board has made great strides in fostering a more open conversation with our peers, I feel there is still room to grow. One way I aim to do this is by creating a system for students to provide feedback, either anonymously or non anonymously, on all SBOG events & happenings. While the DOOCA email has always been open for this, I would hope providing a concrete place to leave said feedback would encourage students to voice their opinions and help communicate that we always appreciate feedback, as our job as a board is to serve you!
During my time on SBOG, I have served as both a general member and the Publicity Chair. Both of these roles have allowed me to gain insight into what it takes to run a successful board, and have taught me the value of organization, efficiency and open communication. As Pub Chair, I have also been able to hone my leadership skills, and feel confident in my ability to lead the board and communicate the happenings of SBOG with administration and the student body.
Thank you for your time and consideration! I would be honored to get to serve as your DOOCA, should you offer me your support.
Community Organizing and Inclusion Liaison
Joni Lee (she/her)
Hello Wellesley!
My name is Joni Lee, and it is with great excitement that I declare my candidacy to be your next Community Organizing and Inclusion Liaison (COIL).
I want to be your next COIL because I am dedicated to fostering a more inclusive campus and supporting community organizing efforts. Everyone here is meant to be here and should feel at home in the Wellesley community. I hope to continue to foster a welcoming community by using the role of COIL to raise awareness and advocate for students’ wellbeing.
As COIL, my responsibilities include
● Advocating on behalf of students to create a more inclusive school environment as the student-at-large representative on the Presidential Commission for Ethnicity, Race, and Equity (CERE)
● Serving as a support system and a resource for all organizing efforts on campus
● Leading the Community Organizing Resource Collective Committee (CORC) in College Government.
I’ve served as a Senator and Executive Senator my first and second years. For both years, I was a member of the CORC Committee. During my time on CORC, I’ve seen the incredible work previous COILs have accomplished. However, I’ve observed over the past two years that I’ve seen many projects started but none completed. As COIL, I hope to reform the multicultural requirement and continue to work to establish an ASL program. These are two issues I’ve learned from my time on CORC that the study body cares about. Additionally, I hope to create a centralized database of all petitions and student activism on campus – we have so much history that can be a valuable resource for future activism.
From the past three years on campus, I’ve learned that Wellesley students are not afraid to make noise and drive change. But, especially during COVID, our student experiences are very different from how Wellesley Admin perceives them. I believe that my experience on CORC, working as a Diversity Intern in the Admissions Office, and serving as one of TZE’s presidents has equipped me with the skills I need to ensure that student voices are constantly heard and recognized in every decision process.
I am excited to run to be your next COIL and look forward to the opportunity to represent student voices on a community and administrative level. Thank you for your consideration, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Sincerely, Joni Lee, she/her, Class of 2023,[email protected]
Organizations Chair
Catherine Charles (she/her)
Hello! My name is Catherine Charles and I am running for College Government Organization Chair! My pronouns are she/her/hers and I am a proud member of the class of 2023. My email is [email protected]. Please use the name “Catherine Charles” for the write-in spot. I believe my attention to detail and love for campus participation will make a great addition to Wellesley College Government as Organizations Chair!
Sofia Rubio (any pronouns)
Hello Wellesley!
My name is Sofia Rubio, and it is with great pleasure that I am announcing my candidacy to be your 2022-2023 write-in candidate for Organizations Chair!
Having been involved in several established organizations and groups ranging from club squash to residential life, I have a comprehensive understanding of the various elements that contribute to the efficient running of a successful org. Throughout my time at Wellesley, organizations have been the means through which I have built community and established a rapport between myself and various groups on campus. Orgs are a valuable and integral part of our community and I recognize the importance of supporting them through financial accessibility and institutional recognition. As your Organizations Chair, I will work to ensure that orgs are able to continue to meet the needs of the students that love them, depend on them, and invest in them.
I have also struggled with understanding the finer details of the recognition process for unconstituted organizations, a barrier that has prevented me from proceeding with the recognition process for my own org. The organizations recognition process can be daunting, especially for those working on their own. As Orgs Chair, I hope to dedicate time to making the orgs recognition process more accessible by making myself available to individually help those that need guidance, and possibly working to streamline the process if that becomes an option.
I am passionate about student life on campus. Orgs form the building blocks of our community and have been one of the core pillars of my Wellesley experience. I am excited to keep building higher as Organizations Chair and look forward to being able to represent all the amazing orgs on campus (and those that have yet to be constituted!). Thank you for your consideration, and please do reach out if you have any questions. “Voting will take place on WEngage on March 8. For more information, check out check out or email any questions to [email protected]”
Sincerely, Sofia Rubio, any pronouns, Class of 2023, [email protected]