Students at a senate meeting. Photo sourced from the Wellesley archives.
Dean’s Corner
Dean of Students Sheilah Shaw Horton announced at Senate that new COVID-19 regulations would be sent to students later in the week. The email was sent on Feb. 23. Additionally, Horton reminded students who have not received their booster shots to get them as soon as possible.
Public Safety Presentation
Chief of Campus Police and Director of Public Safety Meshia Thomas gave a presentation on the role of Campus Police. Thomas discussed the College’s shift from Campus Police to public safety. For example, she would like to hire unarmed security personnel. The blue light system will hopefully be fixed this semester, and Thomas also expressed a desire to create a student advisory committee.
Office of Student Involvement
Director of Student Involvement Jessica Grady explained the role of the Office of Student Involvement (OSI). The OSI office is now located in Lulu 301. Grady also introduced OSI’s Assistant Director Amanda Kaufman. She discussed event guidelines and suggested avoiding scheduling events in the week after spring break because of the possibility that students may need to follow guidelines similar to those implemented after Thanksgiving.
Recreational Grant
Senate voted on the Cabinet proposal to allocate recreational grant funds to purchase masks. The proposal passed.