Students at a senate meeting. Photo sourced from the Wellesley archives.
President’s Corner
Giselle Mota ’22, College Government President, publicized the College Government’s distribution of KN95 masks which is slated to occur on Wednesday, March 16, in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center and Bates Dining Hall from 3 to 4 p.m.
Dean’s Corner
Dean Sheilah Shaw Horton reminded students staying on campus over Spring Break to accommodate for the fact that only one dining hall will be open over that time, the Bae Pao Lu Chow dining hall, with reduced hours. Additionally, she clarified that students will not have to pay for meals over the break.
Admissions Office Presentation
Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Joy St. John presented the admissions profile of the College Class of 2026. She highlighted that recent years have presented a tremendous growth in both domestic and international applicants, as well as applicants from diverse income, geographic and racial backgrounds. She stated that much of this growth has resulted from Wellesley’s test-optional policy, which will be extended for the following two years. She concluded by saying that admissions decisions for the Class of 2026 will be released this weekend, and those statistics will be available shortly.
Student Financial Services
Director of Student Financial Services (SFS) Kari DiFonzo gave a presentation introducing herself and the department. She emphasized that students on need-based financial aid will need to re-apply for financial aid annually; the deadline for this was Feb. 1, and SFS will begin releasing financial aid notifications in late May. DiFonzo encouraged students to reach out to SFS to provide any relevant financial information if their family’s financial situation has changed. She additionally clarified that those with federal student loans and who qualify for work-study allocations are eligible for more annually. A chart of those loan amounts can be found on the SFS website: https://www.wellesley.edu/sfs
Committee for Political Engagement (CPE) Chair Michelle Lee ’23 announced that CPE and the 2023 Class Council are collaborating on a spring fair. Everyone is invited to sign up. They are asking that a portion of the proceeds go to support Ukraine.
Director of On-Campus Affairs (DOOCA) Imogene Johnson announced that SBOG is selling Spring Weekend t-shirts, and that more information was sent to students’ emails. She additionally publicized SBOG Night Live on April 2, advertising that off-campus tickets will be sold to Babson, Olin, MIT and Harvard students at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sbog-night-live-sierra-katow-babson-olin-mit-harvard-students-only-tickets-275871778917 However, she emphasized that that SBOG events will remain free to Wellesley students.
Organizations Chair Sydney Stearns announced that off-campus guests are now allowed at student organization events and meetings — although they cannot comprise more than 35% of the audience for indoor events. She additionally announced that the deadline to submit application materials for new organizations is on April 15.