Graphic courtesy of Rebecca Birnbach
The Snooze has obtained an exclusive copy of the recipe for the special salad dressing created by Olivia Wilde for known food connoisseur (see “Watermelon Sugar,” “Grapejuice,” “Kiwi”) and beau Harry Styles. Bon appetit.
3 tablespoons Erewhon Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
A healthy dash of Jason Sudeikis’s tears, to taste
1 teaspoon salt (do NOT add in black pepper. Harry can’t handle the heat)
1⁄2 cup crushed shards of the broken glass ceiling
Lemon juice (if you have none on hand, just stare at pictures of Florence Pugh until you achieve the desired level of bitterness)
Softly chanting “Oscar winner Olivia Wilde” 3 times
Love <3