#4: The communal bathroom!
Who doesn’t like to hear someone in the next stall talking to their mom or boyfriend or best friend from high school? Privacy is overrated, and if they’re too shy to use the bathroom just because you’re on FaceTime, they need to grow up —- it’s college!
#3: In the hall during quiet hours!
For this one, be sure to speak as loudly as possible and have your volume all the way up. Studying or sleeping at 12:30 a.m. is for losers, and how else would everyone on your floor know that you and Jake are fighting?
#2: The fourth floor of Clapp!
Not everywhere on campus is a quiet space, and the Clapp fourth floor definitely isn’t one of them. Besides, people study way too much here —- they’re probably just jealous that you have friends to talk to while they’re doing psets.
#1: During class!
Professors love to see their students connecting with others, especially via Facetime in the middle of a lecture. If you talk quietly, it’s definitely not that disruptive, and anyone complaining needs to stop being such a Wendy.