Cash money. Graphic courtesy of Eleanor Ahn
Finding a student to be underpaid and under thanked can be hard. Let us help you out!
10. You! (Please.)
9. SPOG Frog
8. Blue Burberry Bag Girl (she needs to practice tracking expenses)
7. Spooky Statue Lady from Tower Loop
6. One of the Hunnewells (they clearly know how to handle their money well)
5. An iced matcha from the emporium
4. Every CS Econ double major, c’mon this would look so good on your LinkedIn when you apply for that Goldman internship next year
3. That one bitch on my hall whose room smells like weed 24/7 (she could use a bit of structure in her life)
2. Anyone who’s ever performed at Wellesley Drag
1. The Ghost of Madeline Albright