Senate discusses accessibility of mental health resources
Senate focused the meeting this week on mental health resources and where to find them on campus. These resouces fall under the student run-organizations who presented in Senate: Active Minds, Balanced Health Educators (BHEs), Sexual Assault Awareness for Everyone (SAAFE), Wellesley Voices for Disability and the House Presidents’ Council. Active Minds runs the Mental Health Educators (MHEs) program and has agreed, along with the BHEs and SAAFE, to increase their visibility all residential areas. The Stone Counseling Center also announced a guide for how faculty and staff should deal with students’ mental health issues on campus that will be published soon.
Student Organization Funding Committee (SOFC) to purchase cash-counter
Senate passed the proposal to buy a cash counter to help SOFC run more efficiently. Currently, bookkeepers in SOFC must count hard cash and loose change by hand to keep track of org funds. With the new cash counter, SOFC hopes to process money deposits under less time and respond to student orgs faster.