Headshot of the candidate. Photo Courtesy of Mia Cadena.
Hey Y’all!
My name is Mia Cadena (she/her), class of ’25, and I’m thrilled to announce my intention to run as a write-in candidate for College Government President. I wanted to take some time to tell you a little about myself outside of Wellesley. I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas something I’m sharing with you because it is so vital to understanding why I’m pursuing CGP. El Paso is a border city, a place constantly misconstrued and attacked for its diversity, so the need to be an advocate was something I learned quickly. Serving as CGP requires on a most basic level that you advocate for others, something I’ll be unapologetic about.
My experience as both a former senator for Wellesley College Democrats and an Academic Council representative has given me a taste of what is required of the CG cabinet. Moreover, it gave me insight into what needs to be fixed and importantly what is missing. For example, moving forward CG needs to have a more active role in Academic Council. The longstanding role of observance in a room where our futures are being discussed needs to end—instead CG needs a minimum of five minutes to address Academic Council with concerns from the student body. This could operate as a mechanism to hold our administration accountable. Many CGPs who have run before me have expressed the importance of holding office hours with organizations on campus, this is not just something I’m saying but will put into practice. So that every sector of campus, (cultural, performance, co-ops, individual students, etc.) can express concerns and pitch ideas about ways CG can better serve our community. As a member of Instead, our residential feminist co-op I’m familiar with a non-hierarchal leadership structure, a perspective that can challenge (not compete with) the traditional hierarchical structure of CG. Next year, I’m not seeking to fulfill some kind of agenda but instead cement CG as a more collaborative space.
I have barely scratched the surface on ways that CG can be utilized as a genuine change-maker on campus. One thing is for sure: this conversation is more than just ensuring transparency, equity, and accessibility. I think that it should be centered around how effective an organ like College Government ought to be. This is why before the new term starts I hope to foster dialogue about what our expectations and goals are for the new year.
If you have any questions, contact me at [email protected].Thank you for your time, and remember to write in Mia Cadena for CGP!!
All the best,
Mia Cadena
“Voting will take place via WEngage on March 5th. For more information, check out http://tinyurl.com/wcgelections24 or email any questions to [email protected].”