Courtesy of Rebecca Birnbach
that’s right, you read that correctly. we thought about it. we thought real hard. with the publication of our first cycle of the year falling ever so coincidently on this date (that we should never forget) we, at the snooze, grappled with the looming question: is it too soon?
Brace yourself. Take a deep breath because you’ll find that the answer may just surprise you.
would we be compromising the structural integrity of the wellesley news organization as a whole? is it offensive? if so, to whom exactly would it be? we thought very very very Ultra carefully. there are many factors
we must thoroughly evaluate: Stakeholders?How many?who are they?it’S just us?probably.can we make it anonymous?we can try.might we get in trouble? For sure a possibility.was it an inside job? only time will truly tell. Anyway, with so much Uncertainty floating around, we determined that it was not up to us to make the call. given the gravity of the situation we turned to the wellesley news slack channels to open this discussion to the entire org. they said no. so there you have it — Like it or not, there will be no 9/11 jokes. This kinda blows.