Since the beginning of Brat Summer, a corporate marketing strategy championed by aspiring DJ Charli XCX and her adorable animal sidekick Troye Sivan, the lime green “brat” aesthetic has spread like a wildfire across the internet. Recently, with the onslaught of this influential pair’s Sweat Tour and the transition into fall, some businesses have taken a new approach to cashing in on the marketing craze.
Wellesley’s own Emporium, serving up snacks, coffee and $10 maxi pads in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center, has announced that they are doing away with their Flex points payment system. Instead, Emporium employees have been instructed to accept only face card — no cash, no credit. This move, an homage to Sivan’s hit song “One of Your Girls,” only allows students who serve to be served.
But what happens when a student’s face card always declines? To get to the bottom of this issue, we interviewed two Wellesley students waiting for packages at the mailroom. “Oh, the Emporium thing?” said one student. “Well, what if I just got back from the KSC, and I’m looking busted. How will I get my Yerba Mate?”
The other student noted that the Emporium change would benefit many students. “So many of Wellesley’s students take the effort to serve face every single day. Paying with face card acknowledges the effort of these students and makes White Cheddar Cheez-Its more accessible to the hottest people on campus.”
Only time will tell what this change will mean long-term for students. In the meantime, recent Wellesley alums are planning on hosting free workshops for students to learn how to develop an absolutely lethal face card, attempting to close the wealth gap this new policy is sure to create.