Soo Lee, Orgs Chair
Soo Lee ’25 is the College Government Organizations Chair (Orgs Chair). Originally from Wellesley, MA she majors in data science and minors in biological sciences.
Hello Wellesley!
This is CORA taking over the CG column this week, and we’re thrilled to announce that our New Student Org Application for 2024-2025 is now officially RELEASED and AVAILABLE for submissions! (link: https://cglink.me/2w3/s98) This means that ANY current Wellesley students who notice a unique, unmet need on campus and want to create a new student organization can apply.
Please refer to the application process guidebook (link: https://shorturl.at/78iQT) for a step-by-step guide, which includes links to sample constitutions and other valuable resources. For questions on funding or events, consult the SOFC website (link: https://sites.google.com/wellesley.edu/sofc/home) and the Student Org Handbook (link: https://shorturl.at/2tZ9T).
Additionally, if your student organization missed the Spring Recognition Deadline last year or if you wish to revive an inactive organization that was previously approved, you should fill out the same application to reinstate the organization’s status. CORA will begin meeting weekly on Wednesdays from 6-7 p.m., starting Oct. 2. The earlier you apply, the faster the approval process!
To support the application processes, the Orgs Chair will host office hours every Sunday from 10-11:30 a.m., available by 15-minute appointment slots. You can schedule a meeting via Calendly (link: https://calendly.com/orgschair-wellesley/officehours) or find more details on the CORA website (link: https://wellesleycora.my.canva.site/home). Emails will also be checked regularly to ensure everyone has support throughout this process.
Here’s a quick list of resources you might need:
New Student Org Application: https://cglink.me/2w3/s98
Application Process Guidebook: https://shorturl.at/78iQT
SOFC Website: https://sites.google.com/wellesley.edu/sofc/home
24-25 Student Org Handbook: https://shorturl.at/2tZ9T
Office Hours Calendly with Orgs Chair: https://calendly.com/orgschair-wellesley/officehours
CORA Website: https://wellesleycora.my.canva.site/home
Additionally, CORA is also excited to announce that there will be many workshops and collaborations with SOFC this year to create a supportive environment for all students interested in orgs. The first event is the Fundraiser Workshop in collaboration with SOFC (date and time TBD), where we will share tips and advice on how to host a successful fundraiser and increase profits! If you are interested, please submit your questions via the provided form for better preparation! (link: https://forms.gle/B3ETBC87Kwn3KkuS9)
This year, as your Orgs Chair, I will prioritize listening to everyone’s needs and increasing accessibility to resources available for organizations. It’s truly an honor to serve our wonderful Wellesley community, and I look forward to working with you all. Feel free to reach out anytime with questions and concerns via [email protected].
With many thanks,
Soo the Orgs Chair