11/12/13 Medical injury 7:08 a.m. Alumnae Hall. The RP, an MIT staff member, came to the station to report that a co-worker fell and may have required medical attention. Units were dispatched to evaluate and assist. First aid was rendered at the scene and further medical attention was refused. Report filed. Case closed.
11/12/13 Medical illness 10:46 a.m. Lake House. The RP, a WC employee, reported that another employee was in need of medical attention. Officers responded to assist. The party was transported to Newton-Wellesley Hospital via AMR. Report filed. Case closed.
11/13/13 Medical illness 5:18 a.m. Tower Court West. The RP, a WC student, called to report that her roommate was not feeling well and may have required medical attention. Units were dispatched to assist. An ambulance was requested and responded to the scene. The student was transported to MetroWest Hospital in Natick via AMR. Report filed. Case closed.
11/14/13 Medical injury 12:31 p.m. Dower lot. The RP, a WC student, requested medical assistance for another WC student who fell. The student was transported to Metro West Medical Center via police cruiser. Report filed. Case closed.
11/14/13 Service well-being check 11:52 p.m. Campus police HQ. The RP, a WC student, requested assistance locating a friend. An officer was dispatched to assist. The officer later located the student in question. Report filed. Case closed.
11/15/13 Unclassified 4:05 p.m. Miscellaneous locations. A WC employee reported a college-owned laptop may have been stolen while off campus . Report filed. Case under investigation.
11/17/13 Larceny-theft 6:59 p.m. Wang Campus Center. The RP, a WC staff member, reported a male individual was seen taking food items from the Campus Center. Officer dispatched to investigate. Report filed. Case under investigation.