President’s Corner
The College President told students to keep a look out for future spring semester activities, including cultural shows and first-year activities.
Dean’s Corner
The Deans website has recently been updated and now includes a link to schedule personal meetings with the Deans of Students.
HPC Corner
House Presidents advised students to contact emergency services if heaters are not working in any dormitory, and assured them that their heating will be fixed immediately. They also reminded students to close windows when you leave your dorm for a long period of time.
House Presidents also advised students to be extra respectful to peers since people are spending more time indoors.
A sewage leak in Freeman towards the end of the last Wintersession exposed chunks of hair, tampons and other hygiene items clogging pipes, so HPC cautioned students to take care of their facilities and to only flush toilet paper down the toilets.
Academic Council Report
The Academic Council elaborated on the new experiential learning requirement which can be fulfilled by internships, study abroad, student jobs and other activities. All submitted activities are verified by faculty supervisors.
There are ongoing discussions surrounding the next steps regarding recent political actions and executive orders. Wellesley is working on partnering with Amherst, Smith and Williams to create a committee to work with representatives and constituents to better represent students and the school as a collective.
Recent immigration executive orders have caused various organizations to initiate campus-wide committees to provide resources to inform international students and faculty about their rights and more. Staff has been thoroughly informed as to what to do if any officers enter campus and interact with students and/or faculty.
The Grand River Solutions survey has shown that 37% of Wellesley students reported to be reluctant to share their political view for fear of ostracization by other students. The Academic Council encouraged students to foster community and spread kindness and empathy among peers.
Dean of Faculty Affairs Megan Nunez is stepping down to return to the chemistry department. As a result, there is an ongoing search for a new dean and other positions. Administration and faculty are facilitating ongoing discussions surrounding AI-related issues, new website privacy, Honor Code updates, faculty grant changes and various effects of the current political climate.
Senator Open Discussion
Senators voiced concern about the recent termination of Professor Hwang from the Wellesley Korean department.
Senators raised awareness about the decision by ADR to eliminate positions of student note-takers to promote the use of AI note-taking.
Committee Announcements
The Committee is looking to formulate an elections committee of three members in light of upcoming Student Government Committee elections.