10/07/14 Motor vehicle accident with property damage 2:51 p.m. Keohane Sports Center. The reporting person (RP), a Wellesley College (WC) student, reported she backed into a post while operating a WC vehicle. An officer was dispatched. Report filed. Case closed.
10/09/14 Medical injury 10:38 a.m. Science Center. The RP, a WC student, reported she fell and injured her ankle. Officers were dispatched and an ambulance requested. The student was transported via ambulance to the MetroWest Medical Center in Natick. Report filed. Case closed.
10/10/14 Unclassified 12:04 a.m. Bates Hall. The RP, a WC student, wanted to speak with an officer about an off-campus incident that occurred over the summer. An officer met with the RP. Report filed. Case closed.
10/10/14 Leaving scene of accident with property damage 9:58 p.m. Davis Parking Facility. The RP, a WC visitor, entered the station to report his vehicle was damaged while parked in the garage. An officer was dispatched to speak with the RP. Report filed. Case closed.
10/11/14 Fire – accidental 4:39 p.m. Bates Hall. The RP, a WC employee, reported a flame in the grill area in the Bates Hall kitchen. Officers responded to assist. WFD was notified and responded. The fire was extinguished. Report filed. Case closed.
10/16/14 Well-being check 8:43 p.m. Pomeroy. The RP, a WC student, called to report another student in need of medical attention. WCPD officers, WFD, and AMR medics were dispatched to the scene. The student was evaluated and transported via ambulance to MetroWest Medical Center in Natick. Report filed. Case closed.