Dean of Students search committee to meet with student body
The Provost and Dean’s Office invites all students to attend a session with consultants Ponneh Varho and Natalie Leonhard of Isaacson Miller, the same company that is helping Wellesley College search for its next college president, to inform them of the qualities and characteristics the Wellesley community desires in its next Dean of Students. Associate Dean of Students Carol Bate encourages students to attend the two sessions to have their voice heard by the consultants. Sessions will be held Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in Alumnae Ballroom and Friday at 12:30 p.m. in the Multifaith Center.
LTS presents on summer changes Library and Technology Services (LTS)
Chief Information Officer Ravi Ravishanker discussed the recent changes for LTS. In light of the spring survey, LTS sought to tackle the printing and network connection issues over the summer. For printing, the switch from the large MFD machines to the new HP printers sought to ease printing woes. The issues with network connection to Wellesley Secure are as a result of the buildings. However, there are boosters that can help the issue. If you are experiencing issues connecting to the Internet, email Ravishanker so LTS can start to address connectivity issues. LTS has created a new course browser that has a new design and is more compatible with phones and tablets. LTS is currently working on getting the spring course list published and a waitlist function is currently in the works. Additionally, LTS is looking to do more academic programming in Clapp Library and find additional uses for the space. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found on LTS’ website.
Three students organizations constituted at Wellesley
After meeting funding deadlines and advocating for themselves, three student organizations presented to Senate their reasons for becoming constituted orgs. Senate voted to constitute the Sexual Health Educators (SHEs), Wellesley Computer Science Club and Art Club. The SHEs is a student organization that provides sexual health education, on and off-campus resources and support for Wellesley students through events such as SHEpardy in the residence halls, Sex Carnival, campus lectures and Sex Positivity Week. The Wellesley Com- puter Science Club is a student organization that was started to enrich the community’s computer science experience beyond the computer science department’s curriculum. The organization is a chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the ACM’s Committee on Women in Computing. Art Club seeks to bring together people from all artistic backgrounds for various activities including weekly figure drawing and activities planned by general members. Art Club also engages in museum visits and other art-related activities.