Ad hoc committee to explore improving mental health resources on campus
A group of three senators presented the results of a survey asking students to evaluate their access to mental health resources. The senators found that LGBTQ students and students of color were more likely to report negative experiences with Health Services. They also found that many students would prefer greater publicity of student-run mental health groups and were unsatisfied with services at the Stone Center. The group proposed that College Government (CG) assist in the publicity of student groups and Stone Center programs, distribute a comprehensive survey, research mental health resources at comparable institutions, engage in a dialogue with the Stone Center about students needs and explore the possibility of introducing student jobs on campus that would lessen the burden on the Stone Center. This would also increase employment opportunities for students. CG plans to form a mental health ad hoc committee made up of senators, members of Residential Life and members of student organizations like the Balanced Health Educators, the Mental Health Educators, Active Minds and Wellesley Voices for Disability.
Senate approves changes to the College Government constitution
College Government voted to pass the revisions to the CG constitution and the rules for Cabinet elections. The changes include expanding the non-discrimination policy to specify that CG will not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, health status and socioeconomic status and clarifying the requirements of the eight standing committees in Senate. The revisions will also combine the CG committee constitutions into one document so that committees may more efficiently change their policies as needed.