New waitlist procedure established for certain departments
Students registered for Spring 2016 classes this past week, and the online process has slightly changed as the Registrar’s Office implements a pilot project to ease the waitlist process for students, professors and servers. Now, rather than emailing a professor to be put on a waitlist for specific courses, students can join an automated waitlist on the course browser. Students add themselves to this waitlist by logging on to the Course Browser website, clicking on their desired courses and selecting the star next to the green W icon in the upper right hand corner before following the dictated instructions. The automated waitlist applies only to the Art, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, French, Mathematics, and Women’s and Gender Studies departments only.
Wellesley students receive slew of phishing emails
Wellesley College students have recently received several phishing emails from a false account claiming to be the Wellesley administration. The emails were sent to all the class groups over a span of several days but have ceased since. On Nov. 10, several emails were sent out that falsely warned students that their accounts would be closed and deleted. On Nov. 11 and 12, more emails were received saying “you’ve asked that your account be terminated” and providing instructions for subsequent steps. Library and Technology Services has been proactive, sending the class conferences follow-up emails reminding students not to click on these emails or give out information. According to white boards in Clapp Library, as many as 80 students have already had their accounts compromised.
Science Center to stop using disposable water bottles
The Science Center will discontinue using disposable water bottles at Wellesley events. According to JoNan Bilodeau, the Science Center Office Manager, once the current supply of water bottles is gone, it will not be replenished. Instead, reusable water bottles were given to staffers and there are three refill stations located throughout the Science Center. The water stations were installed this past summer after Annie Roth Blumfield ’17 received a grant from the Class of 1957 Green Fund. This grant has previously provided funding for the bike share program, reusable water bottles at orientation and Dyson Airblades in four bathrooms in the Student Center.
Mayor Bill de Blasio declares Nov. 14 “New York Wellesley Club Day”
The New York Wellesley Club (NYWC) first met in 1890, and this year celebrated its 125th anniversary. The NWYC has 2,700 members, and to celebrate this milestone over 400 alumnae gathered at Kaufman Music Center. NYC first lady Chirlane McCray ’76 began the event by presenting a declaration from Mayor Bill de Blasio declaring Nov. 14 “New York Wellesley Club Day.” “Wellesley College is an important part of our nation’s history… It is no wonder so many Wellesley graduates have chosen to make lives in New York, an epicenter of progress, creativity and culture, and I am grateful for their contributions to every borough and sector,” the proclamation saidMa