Elections committee seeks new representatives
At the beginning of Senate, College Government President Adeline Lee ’16 announced that there will be two mandatory information sessions for students interested in applying to the elections committee for the 2016 College Government election season. The first meeting is Wednesday, March 9 from 6 to 7 p.m. in Science Center Room 277. The second meeting is on Monday, March 14 at 4:30 p.m. in Lulu 413. All students are welcome to apply and must attend at least one mandatory info session.
College Government actively seeks ballot initiatives
Any students interested in submitting an idea for the upcoming ballot initiative should write a 250 word proposal and send it to [email protected] no later than Friday, March 18 at 11:59 p.m. All students are encouraged to apply if they have an idea that they would like to see implemented on campus.
Wellesley Centers For Women discusses community resources
A representative for Wellesley Center for Women came to Senate to inform senators on what services the WCW offers on campus. According to the representative, the center offers four social science research internships during the academic year and one in the summer that students are encouraged to apply for. The WCW holds regular events throughout the academic year, and are holding a lunchtime seminar this Thursday at 12:30 p.m. in Cheever House. Students are encouraged to take the campus van to Cheever House since it is slightly off campus. If students have any questions or wish to become an Ambassador for the WCW they should look for more information on the WCW Website.
Wellesley Fresh Representative addresses concerns over meal plans
In response to concerns voiced by the Wellesley student body, a representative from Wellesley Fresh explained the reasoning behind the unlimited meal plan and the potential for a change in the distant future. The representative explained that the meal plan is unlimited to promote and enhance the community atmosphere of Wellesley. Also, the meal plan is unlimited so students do not have to worry about rationing meals on top of all the other things they juggle. If the meal plan were to change, it would be difficult to implement because all dining halls would have to be redesigned to ensure that students are swiping in and following the meal plan. However, changing the meal plan seems to be extremely implausible in this moment but has not been ruled out completely. It could be reconsidered many years in the future.