Remix 2014 was held in the beginning of September. | Photo courtesy of Chris Welch Photography
The Wellesley Schneider Board of Governors (SBOG) will host its annual campus-wide dance party, Remix, in the Academic Quad Green on Oct. 1. This falls on a Saturday, nearly a month after the usual date, the first Friday after Labor Day weekend. This year’s Remix is also unusual for not being hosted in the Davis Parking Garage where it has occurred in previous years.
SBOG Director of On-Campus Affairs (DOOCA) Anthea Fisher ’17 declined to interview, but stated that SBOG would release a statement this week regarding Remix’s date change. SBOG, a member committee of the Wellesley College student government, is tasked with collaborating with the Wellesley College administration to host events throughout the year like Remix and the yearly campus concert.
According to various upperclasswomen, the reasoning behind the date change is ambiguous. Rachel Pak ’18 speculated that SBOG possibly altered the date to avoid certain unfortunate events, such as sexual assault or alcohol overdose, which have been shown to be most likely to occur after the first week of school. The gap between sexual assaults after the first week of school and during other times of the year is so large that the prior period is called a “red zone” for vulnerable groups like incoming first-years.
“Remix is a logistically difficult event, and although the school, SBOG, and campus police work hard to keep everyone safe, it’s nonetheless messy,” Pak said. “Whatever the reason, I totally respect the organization and the administration’s decision.”
Likewise, Kanika Vaish ’17 was unsure why the date was changed, but she does believe that attendance to the event could potentially be different as a result.
“[Remix] is usually a great kickstart to the year,” Vaish said. “But, it’s also totally possible that even more people than usual will come because there will be more time to advertise!”
Mira Bansal ’17 also mentioned that the date change may cause problems since October weather is generally less ideal than September’s, a problem since the event is being held outdoors.
Whatever the reason may be, Pak said that the date change will affect sentimental students like herself the most.
“One night my friends and I were in my room, sitting on top of my storage bins and boxes and we were talking about how we miss having this insane, ridiculous party to look forward to after the first week of school,” Pak said. “It’s just nice to have this on-campus event to blow off steam, but I’ll live, I guess.”
Another uncertainty about this year’s Remix is its theme. “Get Lucky” was the theme of the 2013 Remix. “Animal House” was the theme of the 2014 remix. Meanwhile, the 2015 Remix’s theme was “Charged Up.” All of those Remixes occurred the Friday after Labor Day weekend, when classes had started.
“I think SBOG does a fantastic job coming up with creative, fun themes, and I loved both of the past ones,” Pak said.
For immediately unknown reasons, SBOG is additionally straying from keeping Remix in the same place as it has been in the past two years. In 2013, Remix was The Dorothy Towne Field House, but in both 2014 and 2015, SBOG hosted the event in the Davis Garage, located across the road from the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center.
“With the location change, I think we will definitely have more space to spread out than in the Davis Garage,” Pak said. “Other than that, I don’t see it being any different.”
Despite some inconsistencies from past years, Pak stated that she is looking forward to Remix, and she believes that other Wellesley students, especially returning students, are as well.
Events like Remix give us a definite date, time and place to get together and have fun,” Pak said. “Making schedules line up at Wellesley can feel like an intractable problem, so I’m looking forward to spending time with my friends.”