Two Senators elected to Elections Committee
College Government (CG) elected Maggie O Connor ’20, representative for Dower House and Caroline Taylor ’20, a representative for Tower Court. as Senator Representatives on Elections Committee 2016-2017. Elections will take place in the Spring semester, and comprise of elections for eight positions on CG Cabinet as well as the passing of a ballot initiative created by students. Students interested in being student body representatives on Elections Committee should submit the Student Representative Application to [email protected] by Nov 18, 11:59 p.m.
College Government releases information about Ballot Initiative
CG shared with Senate details regarding the annual Ballot Initiative. The Ballot Initiative seeks to fund a single proposal from the student body to improve life on campus. The monetary worth of the ballot initiative is $11,000, approximately two percent of the Student Activities Fee. Any student can submit a proposal, and proposals submitted must be achievable within the 2017-2018 academic year. Proposals need to demonstrate support from five percent of the student body and three Senators from different constituencies, with at least one Senator being an Executive Senator. It will then have to present its ideas to Senate, along with details on its financial viability and leadership structure. Senators will then vote on whether the proposal should be put on the ballot; should it pass in Senate, the Ballot Initiative will be put up for voting by the student body alongside voting for CG Cabinet positions during Elections Week in the Spring semester. It will then have to garner 51 percent of the student body vote to win. Should no proposal pass, funds for the yearly ballot initiative will be reverted to the general contingency fund. Students are encouraged to submit proposals only with questions about the Ballot Initiative should email CG President Zainab Younus at [email protected].
Residential Life Directors provide updates on student housing processes
Meghan Todd, Assistant Director of Student Housing in Residential Life and Shawn De Veau, Interim Director of Residential Life and Housing provided more information to Senate about the new rooming process for the Spring semester. The Spring housing selection process will likely be open from next Monday, Nov 14 for a period of two weeks. Students seeking to move out from their current room as well as those returning from leave or studying abroad will enter into this process at the same time, a change from the past where different deadlines applied. All open housing spaces will be available for selection. Each student will be given a lottery number based on seniority. These numbers, along with housing preferences, will be used to assign housing for each student. The housing form will be available on MyWellesley, and will be also sent out to students via email. Students intending to move must enter into the process before Nov 30. In addition, students eligible for Wintersession housing are encouraged to apply for housing as soon as possible due to limited space. Students taking MIT classes and/or MIT UROPs are not eligible for Wintersession housing.
Student Representative for Advisory Committee on Library Technology and Policy presents at Senate
Sarah May ’17, Student Representative on the Advisory Committee on Library Technology and Policy shared with Senate the work done by the committee with Senate, such as formalizing the class registration waitlist system last year. She also presented the Committee’s upcoming plans to Senate, which included starting the search for a new college archivist, formalizing official policy on library collections and researching ways to improve Sakai and the course registration process. Senate also highlighted the new Wi-Fi system as an area for the committee to look into. Students with questions and concerns are encouraged to email Sarah May