Photo courtesy of Wellesley College Government
College Government Vice President Candidate: Karen Su ’19
Hello Wellesley Sibs! My name is Karen Su and I am running to become your next College Government Vice President (CGVP). I am running on the grounds of rebridging the gap between the student body and College Government by increasing transparency and awareness about the organizations and appointments processes. I served as your Senate Policy and Ethics Committee Chair this past academic year, where I served as a check on College Government elected officials and witnessed the desire for transparency increase. As CGVP, I would like to rebuild the relationship between the student body and College Government by better equipping organizations with resources to facilitate school spirit and better streamlining the appointments application process to increase accessibility beyond our traditional practices. The CGVP is responsible for chairing Student Organizations and Appointments Committee (SOAC) and sitting on College Government Cabinet, which is responsible for engaging with larger Senate body. For the past two years, I have had the pleasure of spending every Monday night in the Academic Council Room serving the Freeman community. I have been a part of SOAC for two years and I have recently served as the Publicity Chair. I have the experience and knowledge of the inner workings of SOAC and the experience of chairing the Senate Policy and Ethics Committee. My experience coupled with my love for the Wellesley community has motivated and inspired me to run. It would be an honor and privilege to serve as your next College Government Vice President, and I hope that I can earn your support.
Chief Justice Candidate: Tashay Campbell ’18
Dear Wellesley, My name is Tashay Campbell and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Chief Justice. Last year, I was the African descent, Latina, Asian, Native American (ALANA) Representative on the Honor Code Council (HCC) and this year, I serve as the Deputy Chief Justice. These experiences have provided me with unique perspectives that are integral to shaping my platform and objectives as I run for Chief Justice. While serving in these roles on HCC, I had two critical realizations. First, students are expected to live by the Honor Code yet, many have little understanding of what the Honor Code is or how it operates. Second, there is a significant disconnect between the student body and HCC. However prevalent these issues, I am confident that I can help rectify them by fostering community through education and outreach. As Chief Justice, I will initiate Town Halls that provide students with a forum to learn about the Honor Code and voice their concerns to HCC. These Town Halls will aid in reconnecting the student body and the HCC in reinforcing our sense of community. Additionally, I will take advantage of our established yet underutilized resources such as the Students at Large Network, as a source of education and outreach. Through this Network, HCC will be more effective in its goal of educating and forming more positive relationships with students. Serving on HCC has been a privilege and I look forward to practicing transparency and accessibility next year as your Chief Justice. Best, Tashay Campbell
Student Bursar Candidate: Natalie Jin’18
Hello Wellesley! My name is Natalie Jin and I am running to be your Student Bursar. I have been an active member of the Student Organization Funding Committee (SOFC) and a bookkeeper in the Bursar’s Office since my first year at Wellesley. Accumulating just about three years of experience under my belt, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing not only how the internal functions of the Bursar’s Office are run, but also how funds are distributed throughout the campus with each budgeting deadline. During my time in the office, I have been the bookkeeper for all Cultural Orgs and am currently the bookkeeper for all House Councils, Class Councils, College Government Committees and Unconstituted Organizations. I am running on a platform of Accessibility, Clarity and Efficiency. If elected Bursar, I will:
1) Improve accessibility to bookkeepers and the Student Bursar through extra meeting times and office hours, especially on nights before budgeting deadlines.
2) Enhance the clarity of the application process through online, readily-available, video tutorials which guide treasurers through the process of filling out and submitting forms.
3) Revisit and revise SOFC policies to increase efficiency. Times have changed. The means and methods in which organizations on campus hold events have changed. Yet many policies have remained stagnant and inefficient. With the support of SOFC members, I hope to revisit many of our outdated policies and guidelines.
Thank you so much for considering me as a candidate. I look forward to meeting you at the debates!
Chair of Communications & Finances Candidate: Margot Lipin ’20
My name is Margot Lipin and I am running to be the CG Sec-Treas (or Chair of CG Communications and Finances) because I want to help make College Government (CG) the most active, dynamic and inclusive place it can be. This year on Senate I served on the Communications Committee under our fantastic current Sec-Treas, giving me substantive experience in communicating the discussions and events of College Government to the students at large, as well as making Senate a space of inclusion and belonging. Outreach between College Government and the Wellesley community at large is very important and I have devoted my work on Senate to facilitating it. I want College Government to be more of a direct outlet for problem solving on campus. CG and its various committees work closely with administration and senior staff members and have ample influence in instigating change throughout the school. Thus, in CG it is important for all of the student body to have their voices heard in order for CG to investigate issues and pursue projects that really matter to the student body. I would like to find ways bring CG and the student body closer together, especially through social media. Social media is a great communicative tool, and I would like to use it to increase the visibility of CG on campus in a fun and engaging way. I would be honored to be your CG Secretary Treasurer and look forward to showing you all why during elections. Thank you.
Director of On-Campus Affairs Candidate: Paige Cheatham ’18
My name is Paige Cheatham and I want to be your 2017-2018 Director of On-Campus Affairs (DOOCA). I have served on the Schneider Board of Governors (SBOG) for the past two years. During this time I have been able to assist with planning some of your favorite SBOG events. I am running on a 3–pronged platform that explains my goals for SBOG and the Wellesley Community. Diversity: Diversity is essential for SBOG to successfully represent Wellesley. As DOOCA, I would like to illuminate cultural organizations more often through collaborations. Specifically, I plan to improve the direct line of communication between the board and these valued communities. Innovation: Last semester SBOG introduced Plazapalooza, which was well received by the Wellesley community. As DOOCA, I aim to continue exploring new and innovative events that could benefit different siblings at Wellesley. I would especially like to consider smaller-scaled events that could interest students that may not typically attend SBOG events. Transparency: SBOG is here to serve the Wellesley community. Our purpose is to make social life at Wellesley exciting and inclusive. However, if students are unsure of how SBOG operates and how the board functions, then it is impossible to achieve this purpose. We are here to listen to you and I would like to help prevent SBOG from being as elusive as it has been in the past. As DOOCA, I would enhance diversity, bring innovative ideas to programming and be transparent with the Wellesley community.
Multicultural Affairs Coordinator: Dina Al-Zu’bi ’19
Hey Wellesley! My name is Dina Al-Zu’bi (they/them), I am a sophomore majoring in Peace & Justice Studies and I am running for the position of Multicultural Affairs Coordinator (MAC). I see the position as a unique platform to listen to and truly amplify various student voices around the wide range of issues that concern us and shape our lives every day. I also see it as a position that allows for engaging and utilizing Wellesley on the institutional level, which allows for longer term institutional and structural change. I currently serve as a representative on the Commission on Ethnicity, Race & Equity, I am also a Residence Assistant in McAfee and the treasurer and secretary of Wellesley Arab Women Association. Through these roles and as a student passionate about community and community building, I have seen and experienced a range of frustrations; from those directed at peers to those directed at administration and college policies. I have learnt the distinctive power and potential that each of those roles brings in addressing those frustrations and the issues underlying them. If elected as MAC, I hope to serve the community through commitment, collaboration and feedback. More specifically, I would like to focus on collaboration and communication; through utilizing MPC and the Community Action Network as platforms to connect, support and educate each other as students. And to push for better communication and collaboration with faculty to highlight how student activism enriches our education. Thank you for taking the time to read my statement.
CPLA Chair Candidate: Sarah Nealon ’18
My name is Sarah Nealon and I am running to be the Chair of the Committee for Political and Legislative Awareness (CPLA). I want to be your next CPLA Chair because I want to expand CPLA’s role on campus and support students in being informed and engaged in politics at every level. I have been an active member of CPLA from the beginning of my time at Wellesley. Since my first year, I have been part of our Core team (our e-board), taking a large role in event planning and generating new ideas to serve the campus. I also served as our Treasurer my sophomore year, so I understand a lot about our finances and what is involved in putting on events. Having seen CPLA’s role in the past few years, I want to lead the organization and take it in a new direction. In a political climate that is rife with fake news and disillusionment, my vision for CPLA involves supporting students in remaining informed and engaged. I plan to host events that will bring in experts to talk about issues in the news and also host training sessions for students to learn about civic engagement and organizing. I want to energize the campus in becoming informed and engaged residents of the campus, town, state and country, regardless of political stance. I look forward to working with this campus. I would be honored to serve as your next Chair of Committee for Political and Legislative Awareness.
Ballot Question
This year’s Ballot Question asks the student body whether they wish to compensate College Government (CG) Cabinet Members using 3.5% of the Student Activities Fund (SAF). A vote “yes” supports this proposal to create a new Student Organizations Funding Committee (SOFC) line item named “College Government Cabinet Compensation Fund,” which will be overseen by the Advisor to College Government Cabinet (Office of Student Involvement) and Senate Policies and Ethics Committee Chair. Cabinet Members will be paid twice a semester, totaling to $3,000 by the end of each academic year (except the House President’s Council College Government Liaison, who will receive $700 from this fund, which totals $3000 with the existing $2,300 House President Stipend). This will go into effect for the 2019-2020 academic year in order to coincide with the next Guaranteed Percentage (GP) review cycle (when the percentage allocations of the SAF are adjusted; not because the CG Compensation Fund is a GP Fund). A vote “no” is a vote against creating the new College Cabinet Compensation Fund, made up of 3.5% of the SAF, to compensate College Government Cabinet Members.
Ballot Initiative
To the Wellesley Community: The Lulu Resource Room Ballot Initiative seeks to renovate, rejuvenate and reclaim the Student Resource Room located next to the Student Bursar’s office. The room used to offer supplies to students and the campus regarded it as a social space for all. However, in 2013, the Office of Student Involvement was forced to cut budgeting for the room. Currently, the Student Resource Room is ill-maintained, without supplies and largely unused. Led by Emily Pearson and Diana Lam, Senators from Freeman Hall and Bates Hall, the Lulu Resource Room Ballot Initiative seeks to use allocated funding to:
1. Clean up the Student Resource Room
2. Renovate the space with new furniture
3. Restock the supply cabinet with supplies and games
After two weeks of deliberations, the Senate body voted to allow the initiative onto this year’s ballot. A vote for the Lulu Resource Room Ballot Initiative is a vote to reinvent a space for students, by students.