Campus safety day and safety tips from campus police
Sergeants Bruce Whitney and William Bowman spoke about the cooperation needed from the students in order to help keep the campus safe. If a student sees any suspicious activity, they should contact campus police immediately. For more information, students should attend campus safety day on Wednesday October 18, from 1:00 p.m to 4:00 p.m on Severance green. Additionally, students will be able to sign up for a self-defense class that Officer Katherine Kolodziejczyk helps teach. The self-defense course starts on October 30th and students may receive P.E credit. The course includes four classes, for a total of 12 hours. In response to the town hall about social life on campus, Bowman and Whitney agree that there should be more social activities on campus due to the high academic stress students face. And they are prepared to staff campus wide parties in the future.
Honor Code Council Looking to Expand
Tashay Campbell ‘18, the Chief Justice on the Honor Code Council, spoke about the council’s plans for the year. The council consists of fourteen students, applications open to Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, appointed faculty and the deans. The primary job of the council is to uphold the honor code. When an honor code violation is submitted, the council holds a hearing to determine the consequences of the situation. The council also organizes outreach projects, including teas at house councils and cultural organizations. The goals of the council this year are primarily to create a larger campus presence and to revamp outdated procedures. Campbell wants the council to include first-years and students who did not apply for any positions on the council. She believes that instituting resident hall representatives of the council will increase exposure and knowledge of what the council does.
In the event that an honor code violation occurs, one may submit the charge electronically. In order to do so, start at the Wellesley college homepage and under student life click on Dean of Students. From there, click The Honor Code and scroll until two blue buttons stating ‘file an academic charge’ and ‘file a non-academic charge’. When one files a charge, they must provide evidence.
Announcements for Constituents
A meeting about the multicultural requirement will take place Wednesday October 18 during community time in Lulu, room 415. The meeting will include students, administration, and faculty.
On October 30, two Halloween themed events are taking place:
Munger Mash, 9:00-12:00 p.m.
Claflin Haunted House, hours to be decided
The Music and Arts Society, along with Mezcla, will host a benefit to raise relief aid for Puerto Rico. Date and time to be decided.
El Table caters for organizations and needs a week’s notice for events.
On Wednesday October 18 and Thursday October 19 there will be voter registration at Acorn house.
The Fall emergency deadline for organization funding from SOFC is Friday, October 27.