House President’s Council and Residence Hall Policy
According to Maggie Neel ’18, House Presidents Council-College Government liaison, the HPC will be updating the website to include information about residence hall policies and information about the council itself. The information is not currently up to date and is difficult to locate online. In addition to these changes, Neel explained that the council wants to start a conversation on campus about changing people’s attitudes about social life in residence halls. Neel wants Wellesley students to be more open and tolerant of social events within the residence halls themselves.
Town Hall about the multicultural requirement
Multicultural Affairs Coordinator Dina Al-Zu’bi ’19 announced that on Thursday, Nov. 16 at 4 p.m. there will be a town hall regarding possible changes to the multicultural requirement. The multicultural requirement was introduced to Wellesley in the 1980s, and at first only required a student to take a class centered around a non-Western culture. In the 1990s, the multicultural requirement shifted to include classes that focused on cross-cultural interactions or American minority groups. In order to fulfill the requirement, current Wellesley students fill out a Google form and state the class they took and why they think that it fulfills the requirement. Al-Zu’bi wishes to make the requirement more precise. For the future, Al-Zu’bi would like to redefine the multicultural requirement in a way that leaves no confusion for students and to replace the Google form with a more professional way of reporting the fulfilled requirement.
Senate to vote on proposed SOFC policy changes next week
Student Bursar Natalie Jin ’18 presented a three-part policy amendment, which includes alterations to the Number Justification and E-board policies—to be voted on next week—and the Club Sports procedure—to be voted on at a later date. The first policy change would expand options for student identification. The E-board policy relates to org spending limits. The Club Sports procedure, which will be voted on later, will allocate separate funding to club sports to be distributed equitably.