Wellesley library Fells branch to be renovated
The small one-room schoolhouse on Weston Road in the town of Wellesley is slated for renovation. The schoolhouse currently serves as the Fells Branch of the Wellesley Free Library. The location will be converted into a children’s library as an alternative to the large main branch, which some believe can be overwhelming for young people. In July, Fells will close to the public as it begins its transformation, which will include a garden space and murals by the artist Jason Sawtelle. All ages will be welcome, and it will still be possible to return books of any type there. However, the focus will shift to Wellesley’s younger population.
Ice rink vandalized
In 2012, the town of Wellesley set up two ice rinks to be used for ice skating, free of charge to the public. They were moved from their original location in 2015 when the new high school was built and have been used every winter since. The rinks were the result of a collaborative effort, with money coming from the community and various departments in Wellesley. The idea was to provide a place for fun, recreational skating and to deter people from skating on ponds or lakes, where they run the risk of drowning. However, the rinks were vandalized the weekend before Valentine’s Day, making for a very short skating season. The siding and liners were damaged, rendering the rinks unusable. Wellesley Police Chief Jack Pilecki says the damage was not reported to the police but was noted by Matt Chin, the director of the Wellesley Recreation Department.
Former governor running for senate
Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, has announced plans to run for Senator in Utah. He was the governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007 and a presidential candidate in 2012. Romney will be running to replace Senator Orrin Hatch, the current Senate president pro-tempore. Already, Romney’s ties to Utah are being called into question. Some feel that he is taking advantage of the soon-to-be-empty senate seat in the state to continue his political career and will not be there to serve the constituents. Romney has lived in the state since 2013.
Ayanna Pressley running for Congress
Boston City Councilor Ayanna Pressley has announced her run for representative of Massachusetts 7th Congressional district. Pressley was elected to the Boston City Council as a councilor at-large in 2009. She is the first black woman to ever serve on the Council in its 108-year history, paving the road for other women of color to join the Boston political scene. Before starting her own political career, she worked for Senator John Kerry and Congressman Joseph Kennedy II. Pressley is a native of Chicago but came to the area as a student at Boston University. She will be running against incumbent Michael Capuano, the uncle of Massachusetts native and actor Chris Evans. She currently lives in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. Both of the candidates identify as liberal progressives and are members of the Democratic Party.
More public restrooms available in Cambridge
The city of Cambridge has a new $320,000 restroom facility. While Cambridge has many popular commercial areas, there are not many clean, public restrooms available. This is an issue because of the large homeless population that lives in this area and lacks access to basic amenities, including clean bathrooms. This public restroom, which is now operational, has been in Central Square since October waiting to be hooked up to utilities. The space is graffiti-resistant to fight vandalization, accessible to those with disabilities and well-ventilated. The hope is that this public restroom will be long-lasting and help alleviate issues of access. Others are concerned that it will promote continued drug abuse instead of motivating people to get off the street. This is the second such restroom in Cambridge; the first was installed in Harvard Square in 2016.