Wanda, a Wellesley student, was on her way to her first day of third grade (sometimes referred to as “junior year”) when she realized she had forgotten her brown bag lunch that her mommy usually packs for her.
“She always cuts the crust off the PB&J and even leaves a note attached to my jello so I don’t get sad” Wanda told us through falling tears.
Wanda is not the only Wellesley student who has the school-bus-blues. Last week, two students couldn’t sit with the cool kids in the back, and were stuck at the front with the weird boy who picks his nose.
The brown bag sits sadly on the Chapel steps, waiting for some other small child, or “Wellesley student” to claim it. As Wellesley students continue to venture into the city, more and more are left crying for their mommies to pick them up early because their tummy hurts.
Anon ymous | Sep 23, 2018 at 9:31 am
What is this shit?