On March 28, Professor Ayesha Jalal ’78 led a fireside chat hosted by the Wellesley Association for South Asian Cultures (WASAC), titled “Contextualizing the Conflict in Kashmir.” Jalal is a Pakistani-American...
Spoilers for "Monkey Man" ahead!
“Monkey Man,” Dev Patel’s directorial and screenwriting debut, arrived in theaters on April 5, 2024, to much fanfare, even receiving a standing ovation at its premiere...
On Oct. 26, the Wellesley College Book Club hosted author Maggie Stiefvater for a Q&A session about “The Raven Cycle” and “The Dreamer Trilogy,” including the final installment in the series...
When the announcement for “House of the Dragon” was first released the general feeling was excitement. Fans were going to get a new series based on the book by George R.R. Martin that solely focused...
Blonde is bad. There are no two ways about it. The cinematography is pretentious and disorienting. The sound mixing is unacceptable for a film campaigning so hard for the Oscars you would think it is the...
On July 22, Provost Andrew Shennan emailed the College community with updated COVID-19 guidelines for the 2022-2023 academic year. The new protocols included optional weekly testing at the College Club...
After sitting unstudied in the Wellesley Special Collections for some time, three gem pieces gifted to Wellesley College in the 19th century are now displayed in the Davis Museum’s current “Gold, Glass,...
On Oct. 6, Fadzayi Mahere, the national spokesperson for the lead opposition party in Zimbabwe, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), came to Wellesley College to speak at an event titled “Youth and...
According to Éric Fassin, professor of sociology at Paris 8 University, intellectualism and democracy along with it, is under attack. He encourages us to engage in critical thinking to fight fascism.
Just before 7 p.m. on Thursday Oct. 13, the co-op living room in Lake House was lined with signs reading “Bondage,” “Role Play,” “S/M” and other kink labels. Demo kink gear adorned the living...
Content Warning: Sexual harassment
Wellesley College alumna Diana DiZoglio ’10 is running for Massachusetts State Auditor. DiZoglio graduated from Wellesley College as a Davis scholar and majored...
On Sept. 26, Justin Bell started in his new role as Wellesley College’s Director of Nondiscrimination Initiatives and Title IX/504 Coordinator, as well as a similar position at Olin College. During college,...