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The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

All content by Lily Herold
Photo Courtesy of Noah Berger/AP

California’s Fiery Wake Up Call

Lily Herold | November 28, 2018

Structures once grand and imposing lie in heaps of smoldering ash, their looming facades reduced to debris on the cracked, fire-worn earth. A layer of smoke chokes the empty streets, and the sky looms...

Photo Courtesy of Artemisia Luk '21 Digital Editor

Meaningful conversation is ensnared by social etiquette

Lily Herold | November 7, 2018

Incessant communication: an ever-present onslaught of “How are you’s” and “Hello’s”. Colleagues greet you with a smile and a dead-eyed stare; dinner table twaddle avoids the controversial....

Kathy Yeu ’82: from English to entrepreneurship, a Wellesley College Alumna Finds her Voice

Kathy Yeu ’82: from English to entrepreneurship, a Wellesley College Alumna Finds her Voice

Lily Herold | September 28, 2018

Kathy Yeu ’82, now an expert in the field of finances, did not enjoy the economics course she took as a first year at Wellesley. In fact, she despised it. “Although I initially thought it might open...

Remix: Idealization Inspires Disappointment

Lily Herold | September 28, 2018

I stumbled across the foreign word shortly after committing to Wellesley. On a spring evening around 9:03 p.m., I’m lying sprawled across my bedroom floor, my phone screen a dim glow in an otherwise...

News In Brief

News in Brief

Lily Herold | September 28, 2018

Paula Johnson meets with area professors to discuss sexual harassment On Tuesday, Sept. 18, President Paula Johnson spoke on a panel about the unfortunate prevalence of sexual harassment towards women...

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