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The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

All content by Soobean Jo
Photo courtesy of William Atkins/GW Today.

Scalia thwarted America’s progress: His gift was an iconic friendship with Ginsburg

Soobean Jo | February 24, 2016

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death this past month has been the talk of the political realm. There has been debate over whether Obama should nominate a replacement, which would shift the dynamic...

Photo courtesy of BCNC and MHASP

Embodying the Wellesley mission: Student organizations devote time towards community outreach

Soobean Jo | February 10, 2016

Service is an integral part of Wellesley’s mission, which is to educate “women who will make a difference in the world.” A passion for service work resonated in conversations with Wellesley’s...

Abby Harrison ’19, founder of the Mars Generation organization. Photo by Audrey Stevens '17, Staff Photographer

Astronaut Abby spearheads Potato Challenge to promote space exploration

Soobean Jo | November 23, 2015

On Nov. 12, aspiring astronaut Kristi Kuutti participated in the Potato Challenge by posting a selfie of herself holding a potato with the caption, “Dreaming about what food I will eat after #PotatoChallenge...

Wellesley students and visitors pose with Allan Johnson| Photo courtesy of  Natalie Marques '19, Contributing Photographer

Allan Johnson discusses privilege at Learning Series

Soobean Jo | November 6, 2015

Students and faculty members gathered for Actualizing Equity: a Partnerships Learning Series, hosted by the Partnerships for Diversity and Inclusion. Comprised of a lecture by Allan Johnson, lecturer and...

Wellesley students talk as they buy goods from The Leaky Beaker. Photo by Adrianna Tan '19, Staff Photographer

Leaky Beaker accepts Flex Points

Soobean Jo | October 23, 2015

In the past, students could only use their flex points at the Wellesley College Club, the Lulu Wang Campus Center’s second-floor Emporium and Collins Cafe, across from the Davis Museum on the Academic...

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