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The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

Photo courtesy of Louis Velasquez,

Students’ Perspectives on Biden Administration and COVID Relief Bill

Maryam Ahmad | April 23, 2021

The long-awaited COVID-19 relief bill passed on March 10 after weeks of debate in the House and Senate. Given the economic, social and emotional strife of the pandemic, the bill offers a glimpse of hope....

Photo courtesy of the Wellesley Admissions Office.

Accepted students navigate COVID-era college decisions

Tekla Carlén | April 18, 2021

The Class of 2025 received their Regular Decision acceptances on Saturday, March 20. They join Early Decision I and II enrollees to join a total of around 1267 admitted students. Sixteen percent of the...

Photo courtesy of Tekla Carlén.

COVID classrooms pose challenges to learning

Tekla Carlén | March 30, 2021

Houghton Chapel did not host Flower Sunday or any of its other traditions this year, but students gather there weekdays for Russian, mathematics and chemistry, among other classes. The chapel is one of...

COVID-19’s Legacy: Through The Class Years

Misia Lerska | March 29, 2021

A portrait series Content Warning: This portrait series mentions trauma surrounding saying goodbye to friends, the inability to return home and the legacy of COVID-19 The following testimonies were gathered...

The Fragmented Class of 2021

The Fragmented Class of 2021

Misia Lerska | March 29, 2021

On March 12, 2020, Wellesley College students received an email informing them that due to the outbreak of COVID-19, they would be forced to evacuate campus. In the few days that followed, everybody’s...

Photo courtesy of Isabella Garcia '22.

College expects pre-pandemic student population for Fall 2021

Renée Remsberg | March 28, 2021

On March 10, two days before the one year anniversary of the day students were forced to evacuate campus due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in the United States, College President Paula Johnson...

Underclassmen Look Forward to Spring Semester

Fatima Djalalova | March 19, 2021

While underclassmen were only invited to come to campus in the fall, many first-years and sophomores applied to live on campus for the spring semester as well. The reasons behind this decision vary. ...

a bridge in Prague

Canceled Study Abroad Trips

Enya Chi | March 16, 2021

Many Wellesley traditions have been disrupted in this unusual school year, and study abroad programs have not been exempt. Out of the 13 Wellesley study abroad programs offered in the fourth term,...

Joy Li ’23 sits outside Cazenove Hall, where she has lived nine of the past twelve months

(Photo by Macy Lipkin)

Revisiting March 12, 2020, One Year Later

Macy Lipkin | March 12, 2021

In early March 2020, a Zoom icon appeared in the upper-right corner of the MyWellesley portal. Students began firing questions about what would happen at professors who knew no more than they did. Amherst,...

a pipette filled with pink liquid being emptied in vials

Lab Supplies Mailed to Remote Course Students

Jackie Gong | March 12, 2021

Last June, Biological Sciences professors Vanja Klepac-Ceraj and Julie Roden began wondering about how to design the first-ever remote version of their Microbiology with Laboratory (BISC 209) course for...

Photo Courtesy of Alpha Phi Sigma

Societies modify tea season to fit COVID constraints

Tekla Carlén | March 11, 2021

Tea-ing, the process organized to acquaint students with societies they might apply to join, looks different this semester. The tea season, which started the first week of March, is now entirely virtual...

The rally in Foley Square was near the site of Thursday’s attack on a 36-year-old Asian man, who was stabbed in the stomach. Photo courtesy of Daniel William McKnight with the New York Post.

Wellesley Students Voice Their Concerns On The Rise in Anti-Asian Sentiment

Taylor Woody | March 9, 2021

[The hatred] is something that has been building up for a while. CW: Hate crimes toward Asian Americans: recounts statements of verbal and physical abuse.  [separator type="thin"] Violence in Our...

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