Following the box office success of Barbie and Universal Studios' strategic acquisition of intellectual property rights to Mario, Five Nights at Freddy's, Hot Wheels, Sonic the Hedgehog, and other beloved...
Spoilers! If you want to witness the craziness of the film for yourself, please go watch it first, and then come back and read this article afterwards!
Loosely based on a true story, “Cocaine...
In 2019 Carey and Shane Van Dyke wrote the spec script that writer and producer Katie Silberman would later rewrite for director Olivia Wilde’s upcoming 1950s psychothriller “Don’t Worry Darling.”...
The Warner Bros. “Elvis,” is a biopic about Elvis Presley (Austin Butler) and Colonel Tom Parker (Tom Hanks), directed by Baz Luhrmann. While I thought that the performances and the movie did an incredible...
“Les films avancent comme des trains, tu comprends, comme des trains dans la nuit. Des gens comme toi, comme moi, tu le sais bien, on est fait pour être heureux dans le travail, dans notre travail de...