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The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

The student newspaper of Wellesley College since 1901

The Wellesley News

New grading policy unlikely to reduce emphasis on grades

May 7, 2014

By MARIAJOSE RODRIGUEZ-PLIEGO ’16 Opinions Editor As of this fall, Wellesley’s first-year students will be graded on a pass or no pass basis in all of their first semester classes. Students will...

The legacy of García Márquez: A patriarch, a conjurer of magic, a journalist

May 1, 2014

By Mariajosé Rodríguez-Pliego ’16 Opinions Editor In May 1967, Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez captivated the attention of readers with the opening lines of his novel “One Hundred Years...

Unfair negotiation standards constrain progress for women in the workplace

April 3, 2014

By MARIAJOSE RODRIGUEZ-PLIEGO ’16 Opinions Editor   A blog titled Philosophy Smoker recently published the story of W, a female Ph.D. candidate who lost an offer for a tenure-track position at...

Students should focus more on their community, less on themselves

March 19, 2014

By MARIAJOSE RODRIGUEZ-PLIEGO ’16 Opinions EditorI often find myself talking to friends about how unhappy students are at Wellesley. Often these conversations turn to reflections on our own perceptions...

Media stereotypes of violent nations should not cloud perceptions of those countries

March 5, 2014

By MARIAJOSE RODRIGUEZ-PLIEGO ’16 Assistant Opinions Editor Last week, Mexico made the front page of newspapers around the world, once again capturing the spotlight thanks to its notorious drug war....

Facebook’s belated gender options evoke need for inclusive discussion on campus

February 19, 2014

By MARIAJOSE RODRIGUEZ-PLIEGO ’16  Assistant Opinions Editor As of last Thursday, Facebook users can go to the gender section in the About tab and find a third option, beneath the categories male...

Dominican denial of citizenship will not solve country’s bureaucratic problems

November 13, 2013

By MARIAJOSE RODRIGUEZ-PLIEGO ’16 Assistant Opinions Editor The highest court of the Dominican Republic recently canceled the citizenship of more than 200,000 people born in the country after 1929...

Despite anger from foreign leaders, National Security Agency will continue spying

October 30, 2013

by MARIAJOSÉ RODRÍGUEZ-PLIEGO, Staff Writer Last week, Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald leaked confidential information about the National Security Agency’s (NSA) activities yet again. Their revelations...

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