On Friday, Oct. 18, the cast and crew behind “Sunrise” (“日出”), Wellesley College Upstage’s first theatrical production of the semester, made Wellesley history. “Sunrise” is the first...
From Feb. 1 to 4, Wellesley College’s student-run theater organization, Upstage, performed five showings of "The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical" in the Ruth Nagel Jones Blackbox Theater in...
CW: mentions of colonization and other forms of violence against Indigenous people
Death comes to us all, but in “The Trail to Oregon!” it comes not as an act of fate but as a consequence of...
Content warning: (Reclamation of) lesbophobic slur, discussion of suicide
Upstage, Wellesley’s student-run theater company, put on a production of “Fun Home” this past weekend from March 10 to 13....