02/27/14 Property damage 9:48 p.m. Wang Campus Center. The RP, a WC employee, reported that a van appeared to be stuck and may have been in need of assistance. Upon officers’ arrival, the van was able to move freely. The officer spoke to the operator of the vehicle. The van’s tires damaged an area of the lawn. Report filed. Case closed.
02/28/14 Suspicious activities 10:44 a.m. Pendleton Hall East. The RP, a WC staff member, requested to speak with an officer regarding student access to an area of Pendleton. An officer was dispatched to meet with the RP. Report filed. Case closed.
03/01/14 Medical intoxicated person 12:00 a.m. Punch’s Alley. The RP, a WC student, requested assistance with an intoxicated male at the pub. Officers responded and spoke with the person involved. The subject was escorted off campus. Report filed. Case closed.
03/01/14 Medical intoxicated person 1:22 a.m. Severance Hall. The RP, a WC student, called to report her friend was intoxicated and may have required medical attention. Units were dispatched to investigate and assist. The responding units requested an ambulance to the scene. WFD and AMR were notified and responded. The student was transported to Metrowest Medical Center in Natick via ambulance. Report filed. Case closed.