Helen Wang speaks about changes to residential life
Helen Wang, director of residential life and housing, attended Senate to discuss changes being made to residential life. Students will now use an online service, StarRez, to select a room for the upcoming semester. Students will also be able to block in larger groups (up to 5-8 people). Additionally, specific living communities will be introduced to the College next semester. These include the East Asian Language and Culture (EALC) House, substance free housing and a “sophomore leadership experience” community. These changes come as an effort to make Wellesley a more communal space. According to Wang, “We really want to build a system that promotes a sense of community and belonging. With the new StarRez software, students can select rooms from the comfort of their own bed… without waiting in line or filing out notecards.”
Updates on SOAC restructuring
College Government Vice President (CGVP) Saafia Masoom ’20 and members of Student Organizations and Appointments Committee (SOAC) announced plans to push the SOAC restructuring vote until March 18. Several listening sessions led SOAC members to the conclusion that students were uncertain about what the new SOAC proposals include. Masoom states that the purpose of this campaign is to better support members of SOAC and College Government. “At this time, there are lots of people [in SOAC] who don’t feel supported. By proposing this change, we want to make CGVP, SOAC members and all CG members feel supported and connected.” The proposal plans to split SOAC into two CG Committees: one will be responsible for managing organizations and the other for chairing appointments. Although the vote was pushed back until March 18, if it passes, it will not go into effect until after spring break.
Trans Day of Visibility presentation
Alicia Margarita Olivo ’20, a representative for the Trans Day of Visibility Campaign, came to Senate to discuss events intended to support trans and non-binary siblings in the coming week. This year, students can support trans and non-binary sibs by wearing pronoun pins or attending any of the numerous events sponsored by the campaign. Events include a Trans Lives photo exhibit, a student workshop about LGBT inclusion and a drag show. There will also be a “Crafts and Chill” event for trans and non-binary students.
Senate votes on Counterpoint GP funded status
Counterpoint, Wellesley College’s journal of campus life, officially receives GP funded status after 78 percent of senators voted in favor of the proposal. GP, or “guaranteed percentage,” orgs are entitled to a certain percentage of the Student Activities budget each year. GP orgs, which include residence halls, CG Committees, and The Wellesley News, are entitled to about 40 percent of the Student Activities Budget every year. The announcement of Counterpoint’s entrance into this class of orgs was met by snaps from the audience.