Helen Wang delivers a housing selection presentation
Helen Wang, director of residential life and housing, and Hope Singas delivered a presentation on the housing selection process. Wang and Singas showed members of Senate the new StarRez housing portal and discussed the steps each student must take to fill out the housing application, which is due Friday, April 5. Residential Life will be holding office hours later in the week for students to ask questions about the new housing process. Additionally, a 9-page resource guide will be sent out to the student body with more detailed instructions.
Emily Pearson ’20 holds open discussion about referendum vote
Emily Pearson ’20, the student spearheading the referendum and SOAC orgs coordinator, held an open discussion to discuss the referendum and answer any questions about it. On Saturday, March 30, Pearson emailed the student body announcing her proposal to hold a referendum vote. The which calls in to question the legitimacy of the vote by Senate on SOAC changes, not the content of what they voted on. Pearson stated that not all students were aware of the changes, being made to SOAC, and argued that a referendum vote “would allow the student body to engage with the issue and ensure the outcome is reflective of the will of the students as a whole.”
Dean Carol Bate shares several announcements
Dean Bate attended Senate to remind students about upcoming events and to share important announcements with the students in attendance. The Camellia Student Leadership Awards, which celebrate student leaders, will happen on May 3 from 4-6pm in Alumnae Ballroom. Additionally, Dean Bate announced that a weekly “Dean’s Newsletter” will be launched in the coming weeks. Lastly, Dean Bate reminded students to take their health seriously and consider getting flu shots as influenza season is around the corner!