Workday software to replace Banner as student registration
Ravi Ravishanker, Wellesley’s Chief Information Officer (CIO), and Carol Shanmugartnam, Wellesley’s registrar, announced changes to the Banner system. Banner, which is currently used for course registration, will no longer be functional in June. Ravishanker stated the company that licenses the Banner software was bought by another company. As a result, all of Banner’s current functions will be moved to Workday Student. In addition to course registration, student billing, PE registration and academic progress reports will also shift to Workday as well.
Office of Intercultural Education announces new community facilitator position
Dean Maturana Sendoya announced the piloting of a new program called the Inclusion Initiative. As part of this initiative, new community inclusion facilitators will be trained to help students and groups become more inclusive. Applications for this position are due April 12. In addition to this new initiative, Dean Sendoya will be teaching a course next year that will focus on self-awareness and understanding what it means to be a cultural being. This course will be open for first years and sophomores.
SPEC announces 161 edit proposals to the CG Constitution
Avery Lumeng ’21 and the Senate Policy and Ethics Committee (SPEC) announced 161 possible edits to the current College Government (CG) constitution. Although SPEC originally planned to rewrite its constitution, using the CG Constitution as a model, they ended up finding many errors and inefficient procedures in the current CG constitution. Most of the changes concern current procedure and grammar edits. However, one potential major edit involves changing the number of senators/students needed for impeachment and increasing the number of senate votes needed for removal. The amendments will be voted upon on April 29 during senate.