03/10/14 Medical injury 9:56 a.m. Green hall. The RP, a WC staff member, reported a colleague fell and may require medical attention. Officers were dispatched to assist. The injured staff member refused further medical treatment including ambulance transport. He was transported to MetroWest Medical Center, Natick, via police cruiser. Report filed. Case closed.
03/10/14 Medical injury 11:19 a.m. Clapp library. The RP, a WC student, requested an escort to Health Services after falling . Officers were dispatched. The student was escorted to Health Services. Report filed. Case closed.
03/12/14 Larceny-theft 11:25 a.m. Pomeroy. The RP, a WC student, reported her wallet was stolen while dining at Pomeroy Hall. Report filed. Case under investigation.
03/12/14 Suspicious activity 8:55 p.m. Hazard quadrangle. The RP, a WC student, called the station to report that she saw a man urinating outside. Officers were dispatched and were unable to locate anyone matching the description given. Report filed. Case closed.
03/13/14 Assist 7:07 a.m. Route 135. The RP, a WC staff member, reported an individual on a bike was struck by a vehicle. Officers and WPD were dispatched to assist and evaluate. WPD booked the accident. No injuries at the scene. Report filed. Case closed.
03/13/14 Property 11:30 a.m. Pomeroy. The RP in the above referenced report informed Campus Police her property was returned anonymously to her. All items reported as stolen were recovered. Supplemental report filed. Case closed.