Wellesley hosts 8th hackathon
Wellesley College held its eight annual hackathon this weekend, WHACK, bringing together over 300 students from colleges around the Northeast. The event is a nationwide phenomenon where coders of all
experience levels come together in teams and brainstorm various projects that integrate coding in some way. Sponsors of the event, which was organized by a small team of students with the support of the Wellesley Computer Science Club, held individual challenges, such as best hack for social good.
Residential Life provides laundry resources for first gen students
Residential Life was able to receive support through the Wellesley Students’ Aid Society to obtain laundry resources — including Tide pods, dryer sheets, and quarters — for students struggling financially to afford them. The resources will be available for students in their Community Director’s office.
WASAC teach-in on Kashmir
Wellesley Association for South Asian Cultures (WASAC) and the Pakistani Student Association hosted two guest speakers, Ifat Gazia and Sumaya Teli, from StandwithKashmir.org to educate students on the history of Kashmir and the effects of the changes made to Articles 35A and 370 which have implications for land ownership in the country. The event also featured a student speaker who discussed her experience growing up in Kashmir and returning to the country over the summer following the Indian government crackdown.