What is your year and your major?
I’m a junior and a neuroscience major.
What is your job as College Government Vice President (CGVP), and how long have you occupied this position? Is this the only role you have occupied in student government?
I was elected to serve as CGVP in late April/early May 2019 to serve in the position for the 2019-2020 academic year. As CGVP, I chair the Appointed Representatives Committee, which works at facilitating the selection process of students for administrative committees, advisory groups and work forces. These groups work with higher level administration, faculty and staff, offering students a unique perspective and opportunity to facilitate real change. This is my third year in College Government. My first year at Wellesley, I served as a House Council Senator for Tower. My sophomore year, I served as the Executive Senator for Claflin Hall.
What’s your favorite part of the work you do as CGVP?
My favorite part of my work as CGVP is reading students’ applications and meeting students in interviews because I get to hear about their passions, visions for the future of Wellesley and excitement over the role for which they’re applying.
Does the role of CGVP grant you any flexibility in terms of what you work on? Are you able to start new initiatives and projects?
The role of CGVP definitely allows for flexibility in terms of both daily tasks and developing projects.
What are some projects and initiatives that you are currently working on as CGVP?
I have a few ideas in development right now, all of which are aimed at improving visibility of appointed student representatives in the Wellesley community and ensuring that student voices are accurately and appropriately represented to administration members.
What have you accomplished as CGVP thus far?
The Appointed Representatives Committee (ARC) has successfully conducted application cycles for 11 committees since the beginning of October.
Do you find that you have sufficient resources and funding to carry out your initiatives as CGVP?
How has the role of CGVP evolved over the years?
In previous years the CGVP chaired the Student Organizations and Appointments Committee (SOAC). This is the first year that the CGVP has chaired the Appointed Representatives Committee, developed from the Appointments Subcommittee of SOAC.
Why did you decide to run for CGVP?
I chose to run for CGVP because I loved my first two years in College Government, and I wanted to increase my commitment and voice within that space. Additionally, I felt very passionately about the work the former CGVP Saafia Masoom was doing and I wanted to continue that work.
As CGVP, do you collaborate with other CG cabinet members in your work?
Yes, it is one of the benefits of having eight other individuals who understand what you’re going through and able to support you.
How time-consuming is your role as CGVP?
It is a time-consuming job, but the rewards make the time commitment absolutely worth it.
What would you tell students who are thinking of joining student government during their time at Wellesley?
Do it. This is where I found my community and my voice. And it is entirely worth a small weekly commitment to find your community too.