HPC Corner
Zoe Owens ’22, HPC liaison, began by addressing the widespread complaints about the laundry machines in residence halls. She explained that students must report maintenance issues via the laundry app, CSCPay, not through work orders.
Credit/Non-Credit Presentation – ASCs
Jordan Bates ’22, ASC, gave a brief presentation about taking classes credit/non-credit. She reminded students that the deadline to elect a course as credit/non is Feb. 18 at 11:59 p.m. She recommended the grading basis as an option for students who are feeling overwhelmed by their workload and recommended that students speak with an ASC or their Dean if they are considering taking a course credit/non. She also reminded students that to be eligible for Latin Honors upon graduation, they can only have taken a maximum of one quarter of graded classes as credit/non.
Rec Grant Proposal
College Government President Giselle Mota updated students on the proposal submitted by the College Cabinet to distribute 3,000 free KN95 masks on campus. The proposal was passed by SOFC and will be voted on by the Senate next week.
Elections Committee
Mota ’22 explained the importance of the Elections Committee in facilitating smooth and transparent student elections at Wellesley. Candidates Sascha Bretzger ’23, Georgia Moskiou ’24 and Lianne Quaynor ’24 delivered their statements of intent. All three were elected to serve on the Elections Committee for the upcoming election cycle.
Committee for Political Engagement (CPE) Chair Michelle Lee ’23 began by announcing the change in the CPE’s weekly committee meeting to be on Wednesdays from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Orgs Chair Sydney Stearns ’23 reminded students that orgs training will be held on Feb. 13 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. via Zoom. All student organizations must have at least two Eboard members present. DOOCA Imogene Johnson ’22 encouraged students to purchase SBOGentines before the order form closes on Feb. 10 at 11:59 p.m. She also announced that SBOG will be holding their first event of the semester, SBOG Night Live, on Feb. 18 at 6:30 p.m. The event will feature a performance by Dead Serious Improv, followed by comedian Sierra Katow.