In a stunning and heartwarming turn of events, two roommates quarantining together at Hotel Wellesley discovered that they were long-lost twins separated at birth. Through an exclusive interview obtained by The Snooze, we were able to get the inside scoop on what was surely a shock to both girls, who have the exact same facial features and hair color.
When Wendy Wellesley first stepped onto the flourishing Wellesley College campus in the Fall, she had no idea what was in store for her. After doing her counter-clockwise swabs in each nostril that she had practiced countless times at home in the mirror, she confidently dropped her Q-tip in the test tube and was on her way. Or so she thought. An hour later, she got a call. Just as she had dreaded — she was headed for the Verve.
Sure enough, the full picture was there: a shirtless man doing a keg stand while a woman, also shirtless, holds his legs up.
The ride to the Verve was long and hard. As the main character, she stared out the window the whole way listening to semi-obscure indie music on Spotify. She knew every word to Heat Waves. The worst part about the ordeal was that her roommate was an absolute cunt. But by day five in collective solitude, the two made a shocking discovery.
“We actually hated each other at first,” says Wanda Wellesley. “And then one night we got talking, and Wendy mentioned having a photo of her mom, but it was ripped right down the middle. And so I was like, oh my God, I have a photo of my dad that’s ripped right down the middle!”
At this point in the interview, Wanda and Wendy hold up their matching halves. Sure enough, the full picture was there: a shirtless man doing a keg stand while a woman, also shirtless, holds his legs up. It is unclear exactly when and where this photo was taken.
“I’m just positively thrilled to have a twin sister,” gushed Wendy.
Reunited at last, Wendy and Wanda have pledged to trade places in an effort to reignite their parents’ love — and place themselves first in line for the combined inheritance.