Hello Wellesley Sibs!
My name is Lianne Quaynor (she/her), Class of 2024, and I am excited to announce my candidacy to be your 2023-2024 College Government Vice President!
Since my very first year on campus, I have had the privilege of being involved in College Government in a variety of ways. During my time at Wellesley, I have been the Ethos Senator and a part of the Student Organization Funding Committee (SOFC), Committee of Organization Recognition Affairs (CORA), Community Organizing and Inclusion Liaison (COIL) and on the Spring 2022 Election Committee. I was also the Class of 2024 President my first and sophomore years. While these experiences have prepared me to serve the students of Wellesley College in a variety of capacities, it is my admiration of my Wellesley sibs that motivates me to keep making a positive difference on campus, and off. My main goal throughout the years has always been to make Wellesley the best place it can be – inclusive of all voices, people, and accepting of diversity – and I hope to continue to do so as CGVP.
As CGVP, I will also work to build more community as the Chair of the Appointed Representatives Committee. Student voices matter at Wellesley, from your first step onto campus to the moment you graduate and become an alum. In the past few years, many of these committees have not had student representatives, which means that student voices have not been heard. I will not only ensure that the committees are filled and represent the needs of students, but also that the ARC representatives themselves are heard.
My goals for this year include:
● Promoting inclusivity by encouraging students from all backgrounds to participate in
College Government and ARC
● Fostering community within ARC and to the greater campus, ensuring that all voices are heard
● Where possible, expanding the role of student representatives to increase communication and outreach to the Wellesley community
Please vote Lianne Quaynor for your 2023-2024 College Government Vice President! Feel free to reach out to me by email at [email protected] if you have any questions, concerns, or would simply like to chat.
Thank you so much for your consideration, Lianne Quaynor (she/her), ‘24
Voting for CG Special Elections will take place via WEngage on September 19th from 8 am to 8pm. For more information, check out https://tinyurl.com/wcgelections email any questions to [email protected] .