Dean’s Corner
Associate Dean of Students, Dawn Montagna, talked about the importance of harm reduction as we near Halloweekend, a weekend where college students usually go out to parties and drink. Montagna asked everyone in the community to look out for each other, and to educate ourselves, and each other, about safe substance use.
HPC Corner
Hall updates — Stone-Davis fourth and fifth floor staircase that leads downwards is unlocked. The fourth and fifth staircase that leads upwards is locked because no one is supposed to use it.
Office of Intercultural Education and LGBTQ+ Programs and Services Presentation
The Office of Intercultural Education and LGBTQ+ Programs and Services gave a presentation on their mission to help students develop their knowledge and skills across areas, mentor and advise students so they can feel a sense of community across campus, and foster leadership skills so they can create inclusive spaces wherever they go. The offices run through The Slater International Center, Harambee House, Acorns House and The LGBTQ+ Penthouse in Billings. Dr. Todd Nordgren was hired in July as the new director of LGBTQ+ programs and services. These cultural centers also support all of the cultural student-run organizations on campus by providing them with resources and safe spaces to hold their events.
Special positions vote
Four senators were elected to serve on the Academic Council. The four candidates elected were: Svetlana Greene ’26, senator for Severance hall, Allison Liu ’26, senator for Wellesley for Reproductive Justice, Marty Martinage ’24, senator for Shafer hall and Elsa Frankel ’27 senator from McAfee hall.
Old business
The student bursar position is still open. Chloe Guntrip from Tower asked about sophomores running for student bursar. College Government President, Ingrid Bell, said that an amendment to the CG constitution would have to be made in order for sophomores to run for student bursar. For an amendment to be made to the CG constitution, someone would have to write the amendment and present it to constituents at Senate. For now, the position of student bursar remains open to juniors and seniors. Two other College Government positions that remain open are social chair and historian.
Open discussion
Senator from Shafer, Marty Martinage ’24, asked if College Government would undergo a “government shutdown” if a student bursar is not elected. CG President Ingrid Bell said the responsibilities are spread across the bookies who are in the Student Organization Funding Committee (SOFC). Kaya Crosby, the director of On Campus Affairs, said the only thing SOFC can’t do is hire student workers.
Cabinet announcement
The Schneider Board of Governors fall concert will take place on Oct. 14 on the Schneider tennis courts.