The College is celebrating its first annual International Education Week (IEW), which began Tuesday, Oct. 22 and will culminate with selected IEW presentations at the Tanner Conference on Tuesday, Oct. 29. IEW will host language boot camps, study abroad information sessions and lectures on international affairs through the week. The Slater Cultural Show, the annual showcase of international performing arts, will be held this Friday, Oct. 25. Ang Lee, the two-time Academy award winner movie director, will hold a conversation with CEO of Focus Features James Schmaus on Saturday, Oct. 26.
Fossil Free Wellesley will meet with the Board of Trustees today to request that the College withdraw all direct investments in fossil fuel companies within the next two years.The proposal includes a five-year review period following partial divestment of direct shares to assess investment returns and determine how the school can make full divestment feasible. After the review period, they are asking for full divestment from the top 200 fossil fuel companies.
SBOG announced the English singer and songwriter Kate Nash as the Fall Frenzy Concert artist. She performs this upcoming Saturday evening on Oct. 25 in Tishman Commons. Doors open at 8 p.m. The concert is free for Wellesley students with ID and $10 for off-campus guests. Kate Nash is well known for her U.K. hit “Foundations” in 2007 and her platinum album “Male of Bricks.”
According to, Boston has indefinitely banned parties and large gatherings at MIT fraternities, sororities and independent living groups while officials inspect and ensure the safety of off-campus properties. A month ago, an MIT student and fraternity member of Phi Sigma Kappa fell four stories during a party. In an email, Boston officials warned housing groups to comply because the city is “seriously considering” a permanent ban. The city is concerned about building exits as well as suggested assembly and occupancy limits. Until the city issues a new limit on event capacity, MIT has limited the temporary gathering occupancy to three times the legal residential occupancy limit.