Dean’s Corner
In light of the recent presidential election, Deans are currently meeting with student groups on campus to discuss reproductive rights and safety. With finals around the corner, the Deans reminded students to manage stress and reach out to receive any support they might need.
Chief of Police interviews are ongoing and administration is including student participation and feedback in the process. The process is almost done and details will come out soon.
HPC Corner
All students were reminded to take the sexual misconduct survey sent out through email by Grand River Solutions.
Senator Open Discussion
Regarding campus-wide security concerns, Dean Horton mentioned that administrators are having an ongoing discussion with Public Safety and will update College Government(CG) soon. Senators requested student involvement to be included, to which the College Government responded that they will inquire.
The Cabinet previously requested security information, and historical information will be received soon from the Wellesley Department of Finance. Student Bursars will do an analysis and report back to CG.
A student suggested the College train students to be in charge of campus safety. College Government determined that this idea would serve to lessen cost of campus safety, raise student involvement and potentially provide new work-study opportunities. Students pointed out that Wellesley already trains students for high liability positions such as lifeguarding, and other schools, such as Amherst, involve students in EMT training.
Students suggested ways to go about bringing this to administration, including potentially a ballot initiative or the creation of an Ad-Hoc committee specifically for this issue.
Other students raised concerns about the lack of consistent communication between students and administrators regarding general campus policies. CG concluded that potential solutions could involve more senators in decision making on campus, and potentially reaching out to relevant organizations to inquire about how to go about changing this.
Lastly, the Cabinet informed College Government that Dean Horton will address student concerns about the difficulty of meeting with her by creating a sign-up sheet for individual appointments.
Contact the editors responsible for this story: Sazma Sarwar and India Lacey.